
Which episode do you think Amy Jergens will have the baby?

by Guest59944  |  earlier

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On the secret life of the american teenager, the last episode of the season or the episode that airs sometime in Jan. Or neither?




  1. Sometime next season, probably.

  2. on the last episode of the tv. show... they're probably not going to say what happens after she gives birth

  3. theres only two more episodes of this season but i think in the middle of the second season

  4. It says theres only 2 episodes left.

    Is there going to be another season?

    Thats not gonna be good because there gonna leave out loads of stuff if theres another season.. When that one premieres shell be ready to have it then. How s**+* is that.

  5. There is only 2 more episodes left in this season.. so i guess she'll get it in the next season. Most likely Part 1 of the first episode of the new season the baby will born.

  6. I have no idea, but i read somewhere that it only has 10 episodes for this season, god i hope they bring a new season, i mean 7th heaven had alot of seasons i hope so will this one but maybe they wont who knows some shows stop at like 1 or 2 seasons!!!  

  7. Probably the last ep of the season. Then leave you hanging like they do everything else.  I hope thought that the real father (Rickey I think his name is.)steps up like he wants to and I hope the guy she is dating is still with her even after she has her baby.

  8. i think she'll go into labor the last episode of this season and leave the end of season one as a cliffhanger about what happens in the pregnancy so that people will watch next season.

    then season two will be her experience with being a teenager mother and how it affects everyone's lives.

    just my opinion. =]

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