
Which face wash brand works the best for oily skin?

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I've tried many things.. And when it begin to work after a couple days I either get dry skin or more blackheads! Its gross.. Its basically like my nose and around it and my chin. Please HELP!




  1. If you're getting blackheads, then you're probably not exfoliating properly. Use a face wash that has tiny scrubbers in it (like Neutrogena Visibly Clear Exfoliating Wash or try Proactiv).

    If your skin is really oily, it also might be dry. The skin produces oil when it's trying to quench its own thirst. So, when you're finished washing your face, use a toner to really get down into the pores, then finish with an oil-free moisturizer (Neutrogena also has that, and I love it!)

  2. ^^^^ wat she said but if your lookng for something more known tryy Neutragena. they are really good. better than ProAvctive

  3. go to the body shop website and there is loads of products for certain skin....i use the tree oil ones!

  4. frnd,

    try to use some tree oil face wash....

    I am presently using that as I too have Oily skin... and It really refreshes my skin...

    I prefer the same to you too...

    The face wash is of Ever Youth tree oil face wash..

    try to get it and use it which will be really effective....

  5. i really like clean and clear blackhead clearing scrub. i am oily in the t-zone and it seems to work pretty good.

  6. dead sea treatment with added aloe vera, from the body shop

  7. Just make sure you don't use really harsh products - they strip your skin of the oil and your skin will over-produce to compensate, and you are stuck in a vicious circle! You want to use a gentle facewash - I always like Boots bog stadard one, costs about £1.20, then follow with a light moisturiser. I know you probably don't think your skin needs moisturiser, but even oily skin does. Just choose something light. Do this twice a day; you might have to persevere and won't get immediate results, but you will see a difference soon. You can also gentle exfoliate with a flannel a couple of times a week, rather than buying expensive harsh scrubs.

    If you are really worried about unsightly blackheads and you can afford it, you can go to a beautician for a facial, they will steam your face (which is lovely!) and can remove blackheads gently and hygienically which will avoid any scarring.  

  8. Tea Tree Oil products from the Body Shop


  9. Sounds like a lot of products, but I use Clearasil Stayclear Cleansing Scrub. It gives you clearer skin all day, every day. I also use the Stridex 2 in one Dual Solutions 2 Stage system (purple jar). I rub the gel all over my face and then when the gel dries I wipe off my face with the cleansing pads. Also, 3 times a week for five minutes I use the Neutrogena Clear Pore Cleanser/ Mask. I use it as a mask. But, you have to follow the directions.


    1. Wear your hair up in a high pontail so the oil from your hair will not get on your face.

    2. Don't touch your face with your hands (they are oily, too).

    3. Each as much dessert as you want. The oil on your face and the oil in food are different types of oil so eating doesn't give you acne or blackheads.

  10. clean and clear, and noxzema are the best brands. just washing isn't going to do anything though. a) use oil-free makeup b) moisturize after washing c) use nose strips twice per week d) use rubbing alcohol to remove oil from skin, or oxy pads.

    most people have, and keep blackheads on their noses for their entire lives, so its not a huge deal...its a matter of making the pores appear smaller and staying clean as much as possible. you'll want to use facial wipes a few times a day (especially in the summer, or after a workout).  

  11. Dr. Murad

    they have a line of products for a ton of different skin types.

    it may be a little more expensive than like, nutregena or crappy products like that, but it really works

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