
Which factor makes the earth rotate?

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Which factor makes the earth rotate?




  1. God. but besides that they its gravity and the sun is big and i dont get all that c**p so its safe to just say God.

    and a lso its axis

    i dont get that the fact the eartg is big means that it pulls the moon to it. so i guess the sun being big cause that to the planets

    but all these things were created by Gos, so that's the answer

  2. Earth's rotation is an artifact of Earth's formation.  As our solar system formed gasses began to contract and rotate around a dense region which eventually became our Sun.  Some of these gasses condensed into our Earth.  As the gasses contracted they speed up just as a figure skater does as he/she pulls his/her arms in close.  

    The law of conservation of energy means Earth must continue to spin unless something slows it down.  Earth's rotation has slowed down over time and continues to do so due to tidal forces with respect to our Moon.

  3. The earth rotates simply because it has not yet stopped moving.The solar system and indeed the Galaxy,were formed by the condensation of a rotating mass of gas.Conservation of angular momentum meant  that any body formed from the gas would itself be rotating.As frictional forces and other forces in space are negligible,rotating bodies including the earth continue to rotate.

  4. centripical force

    inertia keeps it moving

  5. axis

  6. Newton law of motion. Every body continues in its state of rest or of its uniform motion until it is complled by an external force to change the state.

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