
Which family planning method is recommended for diabetic women on insulin.?

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I am 33 years old diabetic and using IUD and I often suffer from candidasis. What would you recommend? What are the side effects of using IUD.




  1. At 33 years old, you're pushing the limits of healthy pregnancy even for non-diabetics, but definitely for a Type 1 woman.  Pregnancy in Type 1's is very risky, and all conditions have to be nearly perfect to avoid miscarriage or permanent damage to you or the baby.  Just get a tubal ligation (tubes tied) and be done with it, that's what I did.  

  2. This is a question for you and your ob/gyn to discuss.

    Everyone is different.

  3. Many (most???) diabetics also suffer from high blood pressure.  Birth control pills tend to raise blood pressure, so birth control pills are usually NOT a good choice for a diabetic woman.

    Generally speaking, the less "pharmaceutical" and more "mechanical" the method, the better it is for a diabetic woman.  That means condoms, diaphragms, IUDS and spermacides are preferable to pills and hormones. As you may know, though, the "mechanical" products often reduce spontaneity, and of cousre a condom is partially the responsibility of yout husband.

    Are you planning a pregnancy at some time?  If not, you or your husband might consider  "having your tubes tied" -- either his or yours.  Generally speaking, both surgeries are not reversible (I don"t care what the doctors tell you . . . .)

    If you ARE planning to get pregnant later, please take good care of yourself now!  Diabetes has been shown to have a statistical link to both miscarriages and birth defects.  But by keeping your sugars under TIGHT control, you can avoid both.

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