
Which feat is more impressive?

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LITY's 1,751 best answers, or the fact that the next question I answer will be my 10,000th since I've been on Yahoo Answers?

We all know LITY represents what is good about the Hockey Category, but something has to be said for someone who can chat his way to 10k, criticizes Yahoo to their proverbial face, and manages to survive the moral crusades that have occurred since April 2006.....

(Trust me, I'm not being serious folks. I'm glad LITY and others are here to provide quality info. You wouldn't always be able to take my skewed memories as hockey gospel.) question:

Have you ever met your friends' hockey idol and they haven't? Care to share any "rub it in" stories?




  1. Congratulations on the really big ten -O-O-O. This forum is for fun and education. Most questions don't have an answer and if the do require one I look for Cyrano or whatever to give it. LITY being in the game has a wonderful insight into the game.  But a who will win question still has to be answered and you and John Holmes (no relation to Haley Homes) are my heroes.

    Spending 20 years coaching in the minor Hockey System I've come across a few players of note. But my contact with greatness comes indirectly.

    1. When we were living in Whitby our next door neighbour was the team doctor for the Oshawa Generals. As such he always had a player billeted at his house. One of players was one Eric Lindross.

    2. When we were living in this same house another neighbour's son was a pretty fair lacrosse player he was also best friends with another pretty fair player. Calley and Joe (Nieuwendyk) would practice lacrosse on the street in front of our house. Such a nice young boy.

    3. Also in Whitby I coached hockey and baseball and one player on my ball team one summer was a boy named Glenn Roberts. His older brother Gary would occasionally show up for the games and give me a hand by coaching at third base.

    I also worked with Gary's dad and Mike Primeau the father of the two Primeau boys of NHL fame. My son hung out with Wayne when they were in high school.

  2. almost met Scott Stevens at the visitors bench during the pre-game skate since me and my friend were yelling c**p at him. haha

    WE know that he heard he was only about 20 feet away. And it was quiet since it was the pre-game skate, so we got there early haha we beat traffic hahaha


    Congrats on that, I can't  imagine getting that high. I mean reaching those numbers.

    Oh yeah, an answer to your question...yes several friends are jealous of me meeting mine and their idols over the years. Being a Detroiter, chicks dig Yzerman and such and I have been fortunate to meet him several (3-4) times, (many others also) I met Yzerman at the bar one night and met agirl at the same bar the next night, so it was easy striking up a conversation and I told her what she missed the night before we met on our first date. Needless to say we went out a few times only, but I saw her at that bar a few times after and she always would rubber neck looking for players, especially Stevie Y.

  4. To answer the question, yes I have.  My girlfriend is a huge Jared Boll fan (yes, I'm from Columbus) and she talks about him all the time.  Well, I have met him (several times) and she has not.  So, I like to rub it in when we watch hockey together to say I have shook his hand etc.

    I also know someone that is a huge Rostilov Klesla fan, who I have also met.  I too rub this fact in their face.

    To be fair though, since I have met them, I was kind enough to get a hockey puck autographed and personalized.

    Also, congrats on 10k answers! Not a small feat.

  5. i hav met many nhl player like scott gomez , gordy how , matt carl , ty conclen , and wayne gretzky

  6. I've been at this since Mar of last year and only have 2655 answers. Where do you find the time?? Whew - congratulations though.

    I've never really met any pro athletes. The closest I came was one year we were at the airport returning from a SCUBA trip and the Houston Rockets were in the baggage area. When we went to get on the elevator, Rudy T, Hakeem and one other player were getting off the elevator.

  7. LITY's got an advantage, he used to be a scout.

    they are both impressive marks though.

    i have not met any professional hockey players before :(

  8. Congrats on 10K.  Both are pretty big accomplishments.  

    IMO, the part that makes LITY's so impressive is the speed with which he climbed the leader board.  Once he got here, he leap frogged everyone in record time.  I used to watch the leaders to see who/when was going to take over the cheater with the Sabres mask.  Bob Loblaw had a nice steady climb towards the guy, I believe was the first to over take the cheater then LITY came out of no where and took off like a bottle rocket with his good answers.

    I don't have any rub it in stories like that.

  9. I don't put much into best answers, though LITY is very knowledgable.  It seems like most best answers are picked by who is answering and not by the content of the answer.

  10. Pretty impresive

    A couple of my friends and i were going to a blackhawks practice, and we had just mentioned it to another girl, who really likes adam burish and jonathan toews. Well we went without her, and got to meet both of them, but never told her. She always rubs stuff into me saying how people she knows has met various hockey players. It gets annoying but its kinda funny that shes never met one. I am just waiting for a time she really pisses me off to rub it in her face!

  11. Congrats Bill!Hopefully it wont be yanked from you after going after Yahoo for everybody's benefit.

    No never met an idol.

  12. and yet u r still technically not considered a top contributor. whats up with that?

    congrats, btw.

    which part of the continent do u live in? im still awak cuz im on the west coast writing an i-search. but ur a flyers fan. do u live in philly? how are u still awake and on YA?!!?!?

  13. I have been lucky enough to come from a low key but I feel GREAT hockey town. Tampa Bay has great fans, and great player fan intraction. Most players always stop for pictures autographs, just to say hi after each game. Vinny and Marty not so much, but most. Torts one of the most stand-up guy I have met. Vinny is just the nicest person ever, donates so much money to the town. One guy I always wanted to meet was Chris Gratton. never knew why, lol just do...

  14. I think your feat is more impressive from an "odds" perspective, I mean with all the trolls and easily offended people, to keep an account that long is unbelievable lol. I just lost both my TC badges in one day ha ha ha.

    I met Mike Bossey and had a cup of coffee with him, chatted for a little bit, got his John Hancock, and a picture. Then told him I was a Rangers fan lol. I framed a copy of the picture drew a moustache (Rollie Fingers style) over his face, and gave it to one of my best friends (who's a die hard Isles fan).

  15. My, someone's up

    To-may-to, to-mah-to. LITY's climb up the top ten is based on his knowledge and experience. Your feat is a pure grind and says something about your endurance. Both are impressive.

    And, no, I haven't met a friend's hockey idol. Actually, i haven't met too many would think I would since I live in Toronto, but...I don't.

  16. 10,000 answers. That's awesome, Bill. I don't know if I'd be sharing that one with the grankids, though.

    "Grampa might know a lot about hockey, but he sure is a stubborn old ...."

    Met quite a few players over the years but don't know if any qualify as anyone's hero.

  17. Andrew

    I agree.  I've intentionally answered questions in a humourous way many times, especially after the correct answer is already given (hey, if they're offering points - take them), and the asker will still choose me.

    I'm not a fan of the point system at all, I think we all have something to offer, and we don't need to be rewarded in a point style.

    Example, people who ask the best player, only those who's opinion matches their pre-conceived answer is in the running.  Regardless of whether they are right.  For example, all those people who think "Crosby sucks, and if you think otherwise well you know nothing about hockey".  I'm sorry, but those people need to grow a brain.  

    Likewise the Crosby/Pittsburgh fans who are anti-Detroit.  Excuse me people, but Detroit has won 3 Presidents Cups in 4 years and tied Buffalo in points the year they didn't win it.  They are a good team, they are the better team, deal with it.  Pittsburgh was last or near last the first two of that 4 year period.  Ottawa schooled them in the first round last year, and they cam back and got revenge this year.  Detroit is schooling them this year (out of 18 periods of hockey I think Pittsburgh may have won 3).

    In 1983, The young Oilers were swept by the Islanders.  In 1984, the more experienced young Oilers got their revenge.

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