
Which firewall is the best?

by  |  earlier

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Which of the 3 will you recommend i dont care the price i care about the effectiveness and performance impact




  1. zonealarm is the best it blocks everything

  2. I have used Zone Alarm for the past few months and can highly recommend it.

  3. ZoneAlarm is good.

  4. Neither. I suggest getting a router with firewall instead, they contain a hardware firewall that will be more effective than a software firewall and have way less (close to zero for some models) performance impact. Software firewalls make a lot of noise but can easily be circumvented.

  5. If you do not care about price, think HARDWARE Firewall!

    They work much more efficiently for the price.  An operating system can be changed to turn on/turn off a firewall or disable it.  

    I would have to write specific code for a specific firewall in order to disable it on a hardware device (not saying it cannot be done, but its a MUCH less low hanging fruit).

    Plus, when you do this at the router level, your protecting EVERYTHING behind it and now can concentrate on internal threats vice so many external.

    Host based firewalls are more like intrusion detection systems.  You already have been compromised and now are at your last line of defense.

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