
Which fish can stay well with betra?

by  |  earlier

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I want the no. of fish in plurals





  1. no fish, betas rip faces off, beta are always in a bad mood, they need a beta mood

  2. did u mean bettas? cuz female bettas habitate well with other fish like cichlids

  3. Betta? Males should not be housed with other males. Both male and female betta's can be housed with other fish, but be sure there are plenty of places for them to hide. Also, be sure to have at least a 20 gallon tank (even larger would be best). Male betta should not be kept with fin nippers because of their long fins. Do an internet search. Some believe betta's need a small tank and can not be housed with other fish but that is not the case. _

  4. you cant put fish in a tank with a beta. their natural instinct it to kill.

    besides, Beta need to be in a small tank, their natural habitats are puddles of water.  

  5. I have had good luck with housing Betta's with corie cats.

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