
Which fish should i get?

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I want a fish that doesn't grow more than 6 in. on average.

That doesn't jump as much.

And that doesn't swim as fast as a bala shark.

It's not a real shark it just looks like one.

One that can live 35 gallons or under.

And i need a good name.




  1. I think you should get a betta fish (siamese fighting fish.) Bettas can max out to 3" in length when they get older. Males have long, flowy, and beautiful tails. Females have shorter, stubbier tails, but can still be beautiful. If you have one betta, you can put it in a community tank. They CAN live with other fish despite most people's beliefs. They are compatible with many fish (not guppies!). Bettas are one of the most intelligent fish, true fact. Owners can even train them to do tricks such as jump out of the water to get food, go through hoops, greet them, etc. Bettas may even dance when they see their owner because they know who you are. These fish have great personalities! Please, please DO NOT put this fish in a 1/2 gal cup, vase, betta bowl, etc. These fish are always condemned to the typical tiny jar. Then people accuse them of being lazy, wrong. I have my betta in a 14 gal tank and he is as happy as can be, zipping around the tank at all times, flaring and dancing when he sees me. I am a betta breeder, and in my opinion, bettas are the most fun fish to breed. They can live in 35gal or under easiy. I personaly like the name Sushi for a betta. I also like spit fire for vibrant red males. I will think of some more. Timmy and jaws are good to. I named my one betta Sundance just because he would dance for me. Lol the name just seemed to fit. I know it doesn't have anything to do with dancing, but I like it. You really should name based on color, personality, or just what you like.

    I hope you have fun and choose a good fish. Bettas are great. I also think it would be wonderful if you could save one from Petco, Petsmart, Wal Mart, etc. I do it all the time. Right now I have 5 saves that I have from Petco.

    Good luck!


    Oh, as far as jumping goes, they CAN jump, but not as long as the water level isn't too high in the tank and you have some type of a lid. It's actually very easy to prevent a betta from jumping, you just have to be safe with the tank.

    This goes to show you just how beautiful bettas can be. This one is gorgeous.

  2. You should get anywhere from 1-6 Red Tailed sharks, if you get two, they will fight and fight and will have to separate them and they're jumpers so be careful with them. They're also very aggressive fish so that's why you should keep them in a school. Also, get some Black Skirt Tetras, with some Cherry barbs,Dalmatian Mollies and some Corydoras. Those are a good mix of colors. Good luck! X]

  3. how about a goldfish?


    theyre cheap and easy to take care of!

    name it lieutenant shiney sides. :DDD

  4. A red tail shark or a rainbow shark! Be carefull, they will eat small fish! They get about 6 inches.


  5. actually goldfish can get pretty big!! mines like 7 inches long... try tropical tanks! schooling fish won't grow really. they're sooo easy too! its just like a normal fish tank except with a heater. try starting with tetras or gouramis but don't start with angelfish or neon tetras cuz if u make a mistake they're so fragile they'll die quickly. tropical fish are soo cool too!!  

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