
Which food do you like best out of the following?

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when you eat out!





Junk (eg burgers)

English Pub Grub (sausage and mash, pie and mash etc)

something else?




  1. I really love Chinese and Italian cuisine but I also like Greek cooking since it's healthy and delicious in the same time....

  2. It is a tie with Italian and Greek.  I love Greek food, because it is very different than what I was raised on.

  3. Japanese food

  4. italian. i love the spices.

  5. yam yam Chinese food is the best

  6. If me and my kids are hanging out with my cousin and her kids it's usually burgers. If I am with friends, it will be Italian.

  7. Italian followed closely by Indian.

  8. Indian

  9. italian, but if not going by this list i say Thai

  10. italian,mexican

  11. depends what mood I'm in but I do like a good Indian curry!

    Also partial to mexican food as well.

  12. I love my own ethnic food best, but next would be Thai, Japanese and that order.

  13. Chinese

  14. Chinese is my fav, we go to the buffet about once a week.

  15. Prob Chinese, its yummy!! I also love good old fasioned English pub grub, can't beat a Steak and Ale pie or Fish and Chips!

  16. east or west, india is the best!!!

  17. I like all the kinds of food you mentioned. The only foods I don't really like are Dutch/Scandinavian/Russian food, as I think those lack flavour and taste quite bland.

  18. I asked a question like this. My favorite is Italian, then Mexican, and Chinese.

  19. I have always found something else more appealing that most of the other foods out there ...

    Probably because it reminds me of my mom's cooking ... now that was definitely something else ...

    Something else is easy to prepare, come in a number of varieties and can be purchased anywhere ... very convenient ...

    I try to have something else as many times as I can and I have recently begun to prepare my own something else dishes ...

    Mmmm, this has made me hungry ... excuse me while I go have something else ...

  20. indian im realii into all d spices & curries

  21. All except junk.

  22. italian

  23. Chinese( sweet and sour chicken)

  24. Not sure if you missed it on purpose. But Mexican food is the only good reason I can think to keep Mexicans around.

  25. Scottish country home cooking

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