
Which foods would increase the likelihood of me having weird dreams and more thrilling nightmares?

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Is there a connection between food and dreams?




  1. When I want to have a nightmare or frightening dream I usually pig out on pizza and drink tons of pop, I think that something about the energy pop gives messes with my brain when I'm asleep triggering nightmares.

  2. Pickels

  3. it's not really a food, but any cough medicine that helps you sleep (like nyquil) always makes me have weird dreams...

  4. Alcohol does it for me!

  5. Most hard-to-digest foods will give you nightmares due to your body's attempt at digestion while trying to go to sleep (brain and gut fighting for the same blood supply).  I've also found that taking Melatonin with L_Theanine  makes me have constant, almost lucid, uncomfortable nightmares EVERY time I take it. Even though the Melatonin works as intended, there's something wierd about that Theanine.    

  6. cheese is scientifically proven to increase the chance of having nightmares

  7. Beets. Beets are raw power in vegetable form. Their redness reminds us of blood, their firmness of strength. Beets suck in the light of the sun through their leaves, but bring it to fruition in the darkness of the soil. Beets I tell you, beets.


    Hey Patrick, I remembered that theanine makes my dreams more lucid. It is an amino acid found in green tea. I have some melatonin with theanine in it. When I take regular meletonin it helps me sleep, when I take the melatonin with theanine I have distinctly different dreams - they are more lucid, and odder.

  8. idk, but eating junk food or unhealthy food before you sleep creates crazy dreams. lol i ate some fruit before i slept last night and i didn't even dream at all...i dont know though. sorry i couldnt help much

  9. Mostly dairy products but other fatty foods and onions are purported to cause bad dreams if you eat them just prior to sleeping.

    I am going from memory here, but If I recall correctly it has something to do with foods that are hard to digest. Your body has to send certain acids and enzymes to digest them which in turn causes some chemical reactions in the brain....

  10. My mom sed to me cheese will give me nightmares so i ***** eat it b4 bed as a kid....altho i have done i sleep like a  baby....

  11. For me Pork does the trick. Just before sleeping when I feel like having weird dreams I may eat a fat greasy pork chop or some other pork product. I think there is a connection with food and dreaming.

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