
Which form of energy is more likely to have an immediate impact?

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Drilling for more Oil that we know is there and a few years from the market or alternative energies that still are only theories and have no imidiate impact.

Has anyone thought about all the farm equipment or lawn mowers or even weed wackers that run on gas/oil or is everyone only concerned about cars? How can a lawn mower run on solar panels? How can a commercial truck run on solar panels?

I say lets drill and solve the immediat problem and do research on ways to get energy dependent at the same time who is with me?




  1. I hold a U.S. "utility" patent for a fuel -less pollution free way to make more than 1000 times the output of our largest Nuclear reactor.  The newest tech used in this is 50 years old and most is 300 to over 3000 years old.

    Our government has stone walled funding doing this. It's been to the highest members of our government and has never gotten 1 cent of funding.  The DOE said it would take 6 to 10 years before would decide if they wanted to do any funding.

    After the 6 to 10 years the first amount is a maximum of $40,000.  That requires an accounting firm to track the money and $50,000 to do all the paperwork!

    We could be driving electric cars for 5 cents an hour if these power plants had been funded and built.  Our government no more has any intention of doing anything renewable until all the planet raping for oil, coal, and gas has been exhausted.

    Then there's Nuclear Power putting millions into our politicians pockets to deal with.  Not until our whole country glows in the dark will our politicians get to doing renewable power.

    Maybe not even then considering they want the bribe/lobby money from Nuclear Power more than ANYTHING else then.  Not until renewable power is funded by our government and really taken seriously will we ever see anything worth spit!

    The lamo worthless c**p that can't and never will compete for real with fuel does gets some small money here and there.  But most of that is do and redo already done research and it's just more wasted money!

    The patent office was so impressed with this that they issued the patent of the 4th of July, Independence Day!  They recognized this is energy independence for America!

    But our politicians and bureaucrats refuse to see it for what it is.  They aren't  engineers and make knee jerk stupid decisions when they really are totally in the dark.

    With these kinds of Bozo's and politicians wanting bribes/lobby money more than they want to fix our countries ills.  We are in deep p**p!  We need to go to DC and clean house!

    All these dinosaurs, their younglings, the bozo's, and idiot bureaucrats have to be run out on a rail tarred and feathered! All the Democrats and Republicans are at the feeding pen wolfing down all the bribe/lobby money they can get!

    Until they're gone the USA is screwed, blued, and tattooed!  Everything will get ever more expensive, more people will be out of work, more people will loose their homes, and our politicians will be rich on ill gotten gains while we go broke!

    Our politicians took the bribe/lobby money to rewrite our laws so all the mess with the gas, pollution, hormones and pesticides, steroids, rip off mortgages, rip off credit cards, and so much more could be done to us legally by these POS companies.  

    The fault for all of this lies right at the feet of both the Democrats and Republicans!  They have ALL the power, they saw to it that they did. They must bear ALL the responsibility for their abysmally poor business acumen, lies, cheats, thefts, back stabs, and dirty deals we have suffered for more than 50 years now!


  2. Politicians haven't passed a decent energy bill in years. Deals are made to 'help constituents'. However, it seems those they help are buddies looking to make millions off a deal. Take Kansas. They are trying to build two coal-fired plants with government money. Yet, Kansas is windy and sunny. Why not government money to create wind and solar farms? A wind turbine pays for itself in a year, and lasts at least 20 yrs. Misguided policy is killing Americans. Killing the environment. Brazil had a '3rd world' future in the 70's. There politicians did something about it, producing their own ethanol from sugar beet. Now they are not doing too bad. Just recently our politicians voted on an energy bill. The portion to give tax credits to individuals for alternate green power was rejected. Makes you wonder who is profiting from the high oil prices.

  3. Yes, we need to drill some of the billions of barrels of oil we're sitting on.

    Let's be clear on a couple things here:

    1. It's the DEMOCRATS who have blocked drilling for oil AND using nuclear power for the last 30 or so years.

    2. Everyone thinks of oil, as what you put in the tank of your car (or lawn mower, or whatever, like you're talking about).

    This is extremely narrow thinking. Oil runs the entire civilization - everything that is manufactured and distributed, from tomatoes to t-shirts, takes oil for energy, because that's what runs MACHINES.

    Without oil, EVERYTHING must be done by hand or by hoof, just like the old days before the discovery of oil.

    People are just clueless and brainwashed on this.

    The only reason we have our present lifestyle (and I'm NOT just talking about cars here), is because of oil.

    All the advances and ability of our entire medical system, food, everything, is because oil/gas means machines do the work, not hands.

    The other thing is, much of what we use is made of oil: plastic, nylon, carpets, etc.

    It's dangerously near-sited to only be thinking of what we do with cars, as being the entire oil & gas problem, especially since about 85% of our electricity is generated by oil and coal - because THE DEMOCRATS KILLED NUCLEAR POWER IN THIS COUNTRY.

    Stop supporting the party that stands in the way of progress and civilization.

    Their answer to everything is to punish the providers with taxes and regulations.

    It is literally biting the hand that feeds us.

    I don't care how much money oil companies make, just let them drill the d**n stuff!

  4. There is no immediate answer to energy problems.  New drilling would mean taking years just to prep the site.  Lawn mowers, etc, can run off of batteries fueled by rechargable batteries (sort of like electric cars) and we can get the electricity from nuclear energy or other clean energies.  Supply/Demand isn't the cause of this crisis, it's the decline of the US dollar.

  5. We need to drill and build more nuclear plants while we develop new energy technologies. The left has caused the gas prices to go up. And now Obama wants to go back to Jimmy Carter policies. What a joke that is.

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