
Which form of martial arts is the most practical for street fights?

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How practical is Muay Thai for unexpected fights outside the ring?




  1. Muay Thai gives you excellent physical conditioning to withstand blows and power to inflict damage against your attacker.

    Escrima and Krav Maga are also very good because they incroporate weapons into their programs.  

  2. Street fighting, anything that works at the time.

  3. Muay Thai will help but I'd also suggest,

    Japanese Jiu-jitsu.

    Best wishes :)***

  4. i would say aikido. its essence is purely about non-violence. it uses the opponents energy to defeat himself. steven segal uses it if i'm right. Check it out on wikipedia or something. you'll get a a good idea abt it's philosophy

  5. In my opinion no one martial art can be defined as "the most practical for street fights"  Instead your question should prehaps be "How do I best prepare myself for street encounters"  

    Ok so lets say you start in your case with Muay Thai.  Fine this should give you excellent physical conditioning and powerfull punches kicks knees elbows etc and more importantly you will be used to taking a few shots.  To supplement this I would reccomend you also learn some grappling art as in a real fight its hard to stop people grabbing hold of you if they want to.  You also need to find some specialist training in realistic defence against weapons.  

    More important than any of this though is knowledge.  I really reccomend you look into the works of Geoff Thompson, Dennis Martin and Jaimie O'keefe (there are plenty of others too but these are a good place to start) they are easily googled.  And remember once you know what to do in a real fight, do your best to stay out of them.

  6. The sprint, the 100 m dash, cross-canyon shouting and any other "get yourself outta there" methods that come to mind at the time.

  7. MMA.  Period.  Ground, stand-up, clinch.  You learn everything.

    Muay Thai works fine until it goes to the ground where it fails miserably (it's not a ground fighting art, why would it?)

    You're best off being well-conditioned and well-rounded if you're looking for practical self-defense.

  8. Muay Thai is exellent for a fight. It's very effective.

    Here you go big guy, go to

    It has all kinds of fighting styles, you should probably be an avid practitioner of all the major styles. I would check them all out on the website. It's probably worth a look at.

  9. mauy thai is practical. all martial arts are somewhat practical in a street fight but krav maga is the best for street fighting that i know of.

  10. Kick boxing

  11. Muay Thai is extreme physical training which would definetely give you the edge against any common attacker. All martial arts train your body this way.

    So if you got in a fight with a stranger you'd dominate him with martial arts training. You'd have all your kicks and punches down to their strongest potential. You're still an idiot if you ever did get into a street fight though. Not to mention unexpected dangers that come when people don't fight by the rules. Asssuming it's a matter of pride, would you really risk getting knifed in the back/stalked afterwards/getting arrested just because someone looks at you the wrong way?

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