
Which form of martial arts takes the least time to learn?

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Is there any form of martial arts, where one can clear the 1st level in about 3-4months?




  1. none

  2. You can't rush through any martial art if you want to know it properly.  It doesn't matter what rank you claim to be, but it matters that you can do the techniques.  With that said, you can pass your first grading in Tae Kwon Do within 3-4 months.

  3. You could join the Lil Dragon and Lil Tiger classes offered in every TKD schools.  LOL

    all martial art is difficult to learn unless you are in a Mcdojang.

  4. in every art u can clear 1st level i.e. junior yellow exam.but in 3-4 months u can only learn basics,there is lot more to learn.

  5. I hope itz Tae-skwon-do. Itz a bit ezr.

  6. Kung Fu via the Matrix.

  7. none of them they take a long time

  8. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu can effectively be used on the streets after 6 months of training with a good instructor 5 or 6 hours a week.

    Boxing can also be learned pretty fast, but a lot of boxing requires fast reaction times which takes constant maintanance practice.

    Really you should see martial arts as a lifelong process.

  9. lol well why would u want that.. then there is no point in tacking it.. cause it is usless.. and i would say tea kwoon doo

  10. All. None.

    Or maybe it's None. All. I'm not sure...

    Point is, you can't learn it in 3 - 4 months, but any decent art should teach you enough in that time to defend yourself against an unarmed, untrained single attacker. To me, this is very important.

    On that same note, it should take you about 15 years to learn how to punch. I've been doing martial arts for about 18 years, and I still am not sure I know how to punch, despite working on it nearly every day. Maybe someday I'll move on to kicking.

    If all you're concerned about is your rank, go buy a belt. Why pay for the lessons and testing if all you care about is a piece of cloth? It's just there to keep your gi closed anyhow. If you want to clear the first test, show up. Walking in and coming back each class is the hardest test you'll ever face in a martial art. The rest is just training.

    Show up, take the class, go home and practice what you learned in class, come back. Repeat, each time listening to corrections and correcting your technique. When you're ready for your next promotion, they'll tell you.

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