
Which form of motor storm is better Formula 1, rallying or Nascar?

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I prefer F1 but other people say it is boring





    because the cars actually pass each other, and they don't shatter into a million pieces after minor contact

  2. Jay what on earth are you talking about? A formula 1 car is harder to drive than a rally car anyday. The amount of pressure on the drivers necks is immense, and a normal persons neck would snap if they were put straight into an F1 car.

  3. Better for what? Rallying is harder for the drivers to do. It takes a special kind of skill to be a really good rally driver, but watching the events as a spectator is not very exciting. Formula 1 is all about who can design, engineer, and build the best car. Nascar is more fun for both the race driver and the spectator. It may be a low tech form of racing but there is always something happening out on the track, and there's usually more side by side racing in one Cup event than there is in a whole season of Formula 1.

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