
Which form of the Big Bang do you believe? there are several?

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1) there was nothing, no place and no time and then an anomalous singularity that produced EVERYTHING

2) there was an orderly concentration of matter in a tiny place forever that for some reason blew up

3) there are repeated big bangs, they happened forever in our universe

4) God said it and Bang there it was

5) the Big Bang is coming when God judges the world

And, second, does your view rest only on data? or are there hidden assumptions, perhaps a philosophy or world view involved




  1. Any of them are conceivable, except for the last two you mentioned since you included "God" in it. This is the science section, not the religious mythology section.

  2. interesting question. personally, i believe in 1 and 3. that so far is the most accepted belief for the formation of the universe in the scientific comunitiy. of course, we have no idea on what actually was the event that caused the instance of the universe's creation, but besides that, i think that the first theory you stated makes the most sense, and has the most scientific evidence backing up.

    2. doesn't make sense to me, because where did the matter come from? and according to the law of conservation of matter, matter cannot be created nor destroyed in a chemical or physical reaction so we would be stuck with this small deposit of matter, and there is much more matter in the universe than that theory sugests.

    3. tie this together with the first one, and that is my belief. the universe's life is in a circle... so did the universe actually have a begining? or was the cycle already there to begin with? if you tie this together with the first theory, it explains a lot more.

    4. i dont think so! first of all, i'm an athiest. second of all, the so called "holy bible" says absolutely nothing about the big bang happening. it says that god created the earth and the heavens or whatever in 6 days and then he rested. that didn't happen. the earth would have to have been formed in order for him to know the length of the week. coincidentally, that week was not used in ancient civilizations, only in the western european regions where the entire idea of god was created. so i don't fall for that one.

    5. same reasoning as above. i don't fall for any of this god stuff. i go for science over religion.

  3. my best idea comes from a dual opposite energies called

    mass vs gravity, the ecuation is still zero

    unfortunatelly, the original page was in spanish, and I got to save a copy. I have it in my blog

    dont have it in spanish

    googling "Cosmology  E.P. Tryon"

    I found this

    you can also find more about it

  4. Consider this:

    EITHER you have to accept a first event, which, therefore cannot have a cause (or it wouldn't be the first event).

    OR you have to assume that you can go back infinitely in time, and "first" has no meaning;

    OR you have to rethink the nature of time itself.

    None of these options is particularly intuitive, but you have to choose one.

    If you choose “God”, then instead of “where did everything come from?”, you have to ask “where did God come from?”, which is exactly the same question, just with “everything” renamed as “God”.

  5. listen to me, I believe that the cristian god created the universe no big bang!

  6. If there was nothing, no place, no time then were did the anomalous singularity come from?

    im going to go with number 4.

  7. None of your options accurately describes modern cosmology, nor are they even close.

    You have written down five popular misunderstandings of the theory.

    The Big Bang was not an explosion. The Big Bang is not a theory of origins.

  8. #1 is the generally accepted theory as I understand it. Some hypothesis' have room for multiple big bangs possibly from collapsing blackholes.

    #4&5 indicate you are trolling.

    btw-amberp19 still believes in Wicca's mother sky/father earth. Maybe you should just chat with her.

  9. The universe is a fractal; it is infinite; therefore, there was no big bang.

  10. 4) God said it and Bang there it was

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