
Which friends should i choose?i know this is quite long but please try to read on and answer?!?

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i need help.

last year,in my school,i belong to the star section(the most intelligent students per year level are here.the other sections are called as "lower section".).since i was starting out in my school,i was ALWAYS in the star section.i was never moved down to the lower my friends are in the star section since i was just in grade school.

but now,i was moved grades went low in the star section so now i am in the lower first,i don't like the students there in that section.they were always noisy and talkative.i just can't stand it.but now,i am more comfortable here in the lower section...i had new friends now.but i don't want to forget my friends in the star section.students in the lower section can still go back to the star section likewise students in the star section can go down to the lower i am trying to get my grades back up again at school in order to go back to the star section....

the problem is,i am attached to both new friends in the lower section and my old friends in the star section.

my question is:which should i choose?old friends or new friends?i am afraid if i stick to my new friends in the lower section,i'll forget my old friends and they'll forget about me...





  1. i always keep contact with all my friends.sign up in facebook or myspace and keep contact with them all

  2. Why do you have to choose?

  3. start all new and dont have any friends

    friends shouldnt make you choose between eachother and if you dont have the choice then f*uk them all and start new of everything

  4. Put captital. You have a punctuation promlem. And you got more money than carter's got liver pill's.

  5. Hi.

    My personal opinion. You don't have to stick with just 1 group of friends. It is always good to have a wide social circle. Stay close with both groups.

    - Celina Teo -

  6. Sounds like you are becoming comfortable with those around you that are less motivated to do well in school...  Not as much is demanded of you there from the school or your friends...

    I don't see why you have to choose really!  Why not continue to be friends with both groups ?  Hard part will be for you to continue reaching out to the old group to let them know you still care about and value their friendship and to the new group to help them understand that you don't have to be put into a slot where you can only have one set of Friends!

    Glad its you and not me!   But really..... who cares!  Like who you like, Love who you love and tolerate those that fall somewhere outside of that box!

    Good Luck!

  7. I like the invisible variety best myself!

  8. umm...just get a myspace and add them all?

  9. why to choose?

    dude, you may be friends with all of them.

    I would like to share this to you.

    when i was in the 1st yr. high school, I had my group what we call barkada (a group of friends). When we went to higher year, which is 2nd year, we were all moved to different sections. Same happened in our 3rd year and 4th year.

    now, I am already 1st year college and (take note) we are in different schools (away from each other all the time and met new friends). We are all still friends and still talking to each other, we also sometimes plan and go out.

    actually these things happen because of the help of the new technologies, the computer(internet/web) and cellphones etc.

    "there's always a way"

    good luck in your studies..!

  10. Why not pick both?

    Its always good to have more friends!  Maybe your friends from the two sections won't click @ first, or maybe at all!  But that's fine, you should hang out w/ both sections.  Of course, try to get the grades back, but once you get it back, it doesn't mean you can't hang out w/ your new friends anymore, right?


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