
Which future of NATO for the next decade ?

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Which future of NATO for the next decade ?




  1. Cold War II with Russia, containing European Nationalism, and the spread of Radical Islam.

    Honestly, since Russia invaded Georgia, NATO's not even sure what the next decade holds.

  2. What is the future of NATO ?  Needs to be replaced (along with the UN) with a organization that works better A.S.A.P!


  3. NATO will grow and grow, the yanks who think its impotent are just lucky that they don't live this side of the pond, NATO cant go off charging around the world cos its not built for that, its a common deterrent build for a threat from the east, IF and its a big IF, an eastern (or southern force) threatened borders it wud swing into action, its just for police actions such as afghanistan and iraq, the politicians wont send the tanks a rolling. I seriously believe that as china becomes stronger the yanks will pull out of NATO cos the Rus will join NATO, USA will become isolationist (no shouting my cousins, you have done it before) and the europeans will face threats on the east and the the south, so that east and west europe will work together to take  out increasingly desperate extremist or land hungry enemies (I'm being vague cos i don't want to be chucked off the site)


    ex recon British Army  

  4. NATO is gonna go to war with the east

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