
Which game do you prefer, and why?

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1. Outburst

2. Taboo

3. Catch Phrase

4. Scattegories

5. Pictionary




  1. Pictionary. With my friends, this game gets outrageous.

  2. Scattegories brings back great memories, I've played it forever!!!  You can't play it without laughing hysterically.


    because. it is the best. it is like legendary. it is fun. makes many laugh. great when with friends. when bored. Hilarious. Watching people draw. Listening to people make up random answers. and. just having a blast

  4. Scattegories.

    But Scrabble is my all-time fav :)

  5. pictionary!!

  6. Risk,  I have learned about using strategy and tactics.

    Also I have learned about people.  How they react in well defended and siege like cornered situations.

  7. the only one out of those that ive played is Taboo. it was fun

  8. pictionary cuz its goofy

  9. Scattergories cuz its been around forever and still gets my whole family involved... i always win by a landslide

    favorite game though - cranium!

  10. I prefer Catch Phrase b/c it challenges you and is a fun family get together game

  11. Scattegories for sure! Its a game my entire family plays at every holiday.Ive never played Taboo but I think that it would be fun. Scrabble is mine and my husbands favorite game to play because we both think that we are smarter than one another.

  12. computer games [bigfishgames]: virtual villagers I & II; Mysteryville [music of #1 = great!]

  13. catchphrase...  i dunnnno why

  14. Catch Phrase, it's always so much fun to listen to what people think you want them to say and the random ways they come up with to describe things.

    There are some things that happened during this game that my friends and I still find funny after 4 years!

  15. scattegories, it gets so intense.  it's funny how dumb you are when you don't have that much time!  but it's not funny how truly dumb some people are. don't play this game with those dumb people, they ruin the fun

  16. I prefer Taboo because it shows you how much you can over-think things. All of the answers are so simple, yet it is easy to think WAY outside the box.

  17. taboo's pretty fun

  18. Hi,

         Try the Chesmayne 'Pictionary Dictionary' - link below? I hope this is helpful for you.



  19. Scattegories. This game not only makes you think but you can have fun doing it. I always thought that it would be hard for your company, family, or friends to get into a game like this; however, once everyone starts to play they get just as excited as you do. It is a good feeling knowing they are having fun thinking up words.

  20. scattegories cuz if you dont have anything as an answer you could just make something up and get everyone to laugh

  21. Scattergoris...its fun!!!!

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