
Which game is slower baseball or football?

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They seem so slow compared to hockey.




  1. baseball for starts up ever 40 seconds that go by fast but in baseball theres no action.....the only action is the things you see in the highlights the rest is a bunch of nothing

  2. BOTH!

  3. I was thinking about this last night!!!  I'm not a baseball fan, but this year it has caught on with me (go Rockies).  Anyways, I love the NFL, but I got to thinking about it.  In baseball there's maybe 20 seconds at most between pitches.  Football they get 40 seconds every play.  So I'm not sure.. Football has more big hits, true, but most baseball games are only 2 and a half hours or so..  football is always 3 hours.  I like hockey too.  Edmonton plays so fast!!!

  4. Baseball bites. Football rocks. I don't know **** about hockey because I live in Florida and never really cared about it one way or the other.

  5. baseball

  6. well....I think football, because it has 15 minute quarters (4 quarters) so the game should be an hour, but it turns out it is 3 hrs long

  7. Baseball...

    All sports are slow when they are compared with ice hockey...

  8. baseball definitely

  9. A baseball game, in theory, could last for eternity, if the opposing pitchers had ERA's of 0.00. Football, on the other hand, usually only lasts one hour, plus time outs and commercials.

  10. baseball by far.

  11. Baseball is incredibly slow.  Half of the game is watching the players adjust themselves or spitting sunflower seeds.

  12. What is your criteria?

    A good pitcher can throw a 100mph fastball. A good quarterback can only throw a football at about 65mph therefore baseball is faster.

  13. At least football has a clock!  So I know it'll have to end eventually.  Baseball has no time limits.  It can go on indefinitely!

  14. baseball sucks

  15. baseball............ the pitcher adjusts his cap, runs his finger over his brow, adjusts his crotch, looks in for the sign, shakes off the first sign, throws over to first to keep the runner close. the batter adjusts his batting glove , pulls on his pants, knocks the dirt off his cleats, digs in, practice swings to get his timing and finally the pitcher throws the ball and its outside for ball one, repeat process. Slow?, my pet snail can slime a hundred feet out before the pitcher FINALLY throws a pitch


  17. Baseball is slower than football; but football has a lot of downtime between plays, too.

  18. Baseball, they don't run a lot

  19. baseball is very slow, football not as slow and hackey is hard to follow sometimes but if you have an afternoon to kill any of them works

  20. baseball has 9 innings (usu. bout 15 min.) Football has 4 quarters about 15 min. long but has longer time between... i say baseball

  21. definitely baseball.

    it doesnt start to heat up til like the 7th inning

    but the A's are doing pretty hot


  22. Baseball is slower, and less exciting.

  23. baseball adurr

  24. baseball is so much slower than football because football has more action going on

  25. Baseball and Hockey

  26. Baseball is more boring....go HOCKEY!

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