
Which gases cuases global warming?

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iam doing some work and i cant be arsed to look in my old science book and i was online so i thought i would ask all of you




  1. Global warming is not caused by gases.  It is part of the natural warming and cooling cycle of the Earth.  This has been going on for millions of years, long before man was around.

  2. oil

  3. As noted, methane is a more potent greenhouse gas, though there is less of it.  What's scary, however, is that is has nearly doubled in concentration since the onset of industrialism- particularly through widespread rice farming, landfills/refuse and through concentrated livestock production.

    Some say that methane is a 'naturally occurring' greenhouse gas, and we are therefore not to blame, but if it's level has doubled because of what we're doing, and it accounts for a quarter of the greenhouse effect, I'd say that this is pretty significant (not to mention highly anthropogenic)

    Unfortunately, it's much harder to reduce this output- we can eat less meat from ruminants (cows, sheep etc) and be more intelligent about how we dispose of our waste, but there's not too much to do.

    This is what makes carbon dioxide emissions so important to reduce, since, not only does it cause 3/4 of the greenhouse effect, and much of the growth in it, but it is much more easily reducible.

    Nitrous oxide compounds are the next culprit, and these largely come from industrialized agriculture with artificial, petroleum based fertilizers, and from motor vehicles.

    In all cases, it is important to note that there are natural emissions of all three.  This is what our climate is normally based on.  It’s the anthropogenic output on top of that that is the problem- this is throwing the climate of balance, and should be reduced.  It just doesn’t do to say, “most methane comes from natural sources, so no problem.”  We really must say, “It’s the extra methane that we’re putting into the atmosphere that is causing the problem.”

  4. Mainly Carbon Dioxide which traps in heat also forming the ozone layer.

    We shouldnt cut down trees because the trees absorb this gas to be able to create fod through photosynthesis .

  5. global warming is caused by HYDROGEN gasses. you know, the hydrogen gasses constsantly exploding on the sun, that is buring hotter these days

  6. Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapor, Methane Gas,nitrous oxide are naturally occurring greenhouse gases

  7. Cow's produce 25%  of methane gas that is effecting the ozone.

  8. Water vapor and carbon dioxide are the big ones from a global warming point of view. Note that water vapor does not appear in the first source, but it is a strong greenhouse gas, although it is largely beyond human control.

  9. For Craig's benefit & your own, while there have been ice ages & warm age cycles for millions of years, researchers have been able to bore down thru the antartic ice cap & recover ice cores dating back 600 thousand years.  The cores show annual rings of snow fall that look just like tree rings   These snows have trapped bubbles of air when they fell and the researchers have been able to annalize the that air.  They show that the warm & cold ages match remarkably with the CO2 content of the air.

    But while the CO2 content has fluxuated between 180 & 230 during these ages, the CO2 content of our air has risen to over 350 since 1970.  And its still going up.  We are in for a astronomical warm age without equal in at least the last 600 thousand years.  

    That's scary.

  10. Carbon Dioxide

    Methane ( which is much more powerful a GG than CO2, many people do not realize that)

    Nitrous Oxide

    Water vapour

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