
Which gender gets more anxious by a polite turn-down form the opposite s*x to their sexual advances?

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One girl I know got into serous trouble ending up in court after breaking a door because of the rejection, after a man she had been dating a while said he doesn't want s*x

I believe you have to build a real foundation, a friendship or else the relationship will be built on s*x and you may not have anything else in common.

"Waiting for the right time" is more unusual of from someone of the male persuasion




  1. I think that it's depend on person to person and to different situation and timing the most important factor and off course also depend on gender but not to much.

  2. Women detest being turned down. Spoiled and self-centered by nature, her main source of power is her sexuality. Without it, she is lost.

  3. Some people express their love in different ways. For some it's physical, for others it's emotional. But both are based on affect when you think about it, though one is active while the other is passive.

    Men (statistically on average) are more likely to be active rather than passive (though there are complexities to this), due to the neurophysiological effects of testosterone. We have lower impulse control and tend to get looked on something or a desire (like a predator on it's prey) more easily, and when we're denied, our striatum (part of of the brain's dopamine system that controls impulses, behavior,  pleasure and reward) releases less dopamine, and our cingulate gyrus (attention, neuroses, and anxiety) and amygdala (fear, aggression and other emotions) become more active.

  4. Well rejection can be pretty d**n sucky no matter who is on the receiving end.

    Although I guess women in general may do.

    One as 'new 2 the game' says, some cite that because it sucks they don't want to get to experience it.

    The other is some have this impression that to get s*x from a man all you have to do is put it in front of him becuase all men are permantly horny. So some of them may take a hit in terms of their 'entitlement; to s*x from him.

    Granted either and possibly both of those can occur in either gender - however I guess women, generally speaking maybe more prone to them than men - due to the current biases in society.

  5. Sadly women.

    Few men will report their sexual assault at the hands of a women who has been rejected because they see so many women given probation in Criminal Court.

  6. I don't believe I fully grasp what you're asking here.

    But I'll respond as best I can.  - Female.

    Women themselves claim how much harder they take rejection than men as an explanation of why they do less initiating or 'approaching' than men.

  7. It is empirically true that men do.  Look at the rape and assault statistics.  Most of the perpetrators are men.  The victims female.  Many times over a rejected advance.

  8. female

  9. I happened to date with cute woman, we like each other a lot, she made it clear that she don’t do s*x on the first, second or even the first few dates. Cool with me. Right? I did not ask, don’t bother push it in my face. Right?

    We had a couple of good dates, then she started hinting that she wanted me to come back with her to her place, but I made little polite jokes and change the subject.

    Later she said it was ok, but I told her no not yet we’ll take time over it, I used my poker face.

    After that it she was sending lots texts, and calls about it. lol

    In the end I told he if we both have the discipline to wait two months then I will be more comfortable.

    This made her mad, I mean proper mad there was swearing and real anger. That surprised me….. lol I think its funny as h**l, now! the NUT!

  10. who cares.

    if they dont want some she should just find someone who does instead of being a drama queen and beating down doors.

    how pathetic.

  11. Males have a good reason when they turn down s*x. And a drama queen is a good reason.

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