
Which gender gets murdered more?

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Which gender gets murdered more?




  1. Yes.  Men are more likely to be the victim of murder, or any violent death.  

    I couldn'tfind any stats, but I did find something about murders by intimate partners divided by s*x and race.

    "In general, the number of intimate victims in each race and gender group declined

    Between 1976 and 2005 --

    the number of white females killed by intimates rose in the mid-1980's, then declined after 1993 reaching the lowest recorded in 2002 (equal with 1976.)The number fluctuated slightly after 2002.  On the graph the line looked essentially straight.  There was only a small variance.)

    the number of intimate homicides for all other race and gender groups declined over the period; the number of black males killed by intimates dropped by 83%, white males by 61%, black females by 52%, and white females by 6%.

    (On the graph all other demographics, race and males had shown a marked decline)"

    It seems that it is open season on white women.  White males were more likely to murder their intimates than black males.  Hmmmm,  I may rethink my dating strategies!

    Edit:  Yes.  Most men are killed by other men.

  2. Men, men, men, men! Men, men, men, men!

    Why do I feel like a Python?

  3. I'd guess men. Women are more necessary to the race.

  4. Statistically, Men.

  5. not sure... but i no men r doing all the murders.... men r so vilent...  i jus dont if they murder women more or each other more...

  6. In the US-men murder each other at a great degree more than any other combination (male-female or female-female) and it is not just the result of wars either. I don't understand the indifference towards violence towards men in the US-but after watching the way those that advocate peace and non-violence are treated-it's understandable to a certain extent why it is such a strong part of our culture and so difficult to change. Until our society can give up its love affair with violence-it will only continue.    

  7. Definitely males.

    Females attempt suicide around 2-3 times more often than men, but males use surer methods that actually ends up with more of us succeeding in the act.

  8. The simple answer is that men are most often the victims of homicide.  Most people wouldn't guess this because the media focus on female victims of homicide.  

    Women are most often murdered by someone they know (an intimate acquaintance).

  9. Men, also higher suicide rate I believe.

  10. of course men, especially during wars.

  11. Men by 4 to 1.

  12. I believe that would be men.

  13. Men. Testocerone is a bit ch! And you women thought hormones sucked!

  14. In America I believe it is men (criminal on criminal murder/gang warfare)

  15. See DOJ statistics.  Men murder each other more than they murder women.

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