
Which girl's name do you like the best??

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We are pretty close to deciding but I just wanted your opinions since you all seem to know and love names!! Thanks!! And if you dont like ANY then dont be insulting just dont answer this question then.









These are the spellings we like please dont tell us we should spell them differently, we are sticking with these spellings. Thank you




  1. i especially like madelyn, reese, and sydney oh and i really like the name briana (i dont know if you do )

    good luck :)

  2. 1. Elodie

    2. Mira

    3. Sydney

    4. Madelyn

  3. aah,i love your choices..they are so order i like..





    madelyn..i also like maddison



    elodi..not sure how its pronounced?E-lod-E?

  4. I like

    1. Mira

    2. Elodie

    3. In the beginning when I read through them, I though Madelyn, but now I'm going to say Harlow.

  5. I like Mira if it is pronounced Meera

    Reese is adorable

    Maci is also adorable

  6. I like Elodie and Harlow the best. Both are different but easily recognizable.

    Jacie and Maci sound too cutesy. She'll have a harder time being taken seriously when she's an adult. Madelyn is becoming very common. There's nothing wrong with the others, they're just not my cup of tea. I think either Elodie or Harlow is your winner :)

  7. in order of what I prefer from your list...









    Hope this helps.


  8. I'm sorry. None of them resonates with me. Jacie is somewhat musical.

  9. Madelyn is the only one I like, no one will ever pronounce her name right if it is Elodie, no one will ever spell it right if it's Maci, she'll be called Reese's Pieces in school if you name her Reese. Harlow is just no good at all, Jean Harlow, the actress , that's all I can think of with that name, bathing suit woman with b***s

  10. I like Harlow, Maci or Madelyn. but i think i like madelyn best

  11. Madelyn or Madeline, and Mira or Mara.  Both seem like good names that can take the child into adulthood with class!

  12. I'm loving Harlow =)

  13. Madelyn or Sydney  - Not only are they beautiful but the signatures will be great with a big "S" or "M" and ending in a "Y". Congratulations!

  14. Madelyn, Reese and Sydney are my favourites.

  15. Madelyn and Elodie are both lovely names. Much prefer them to the others on your list.

  16. I LOVE Harlow and Reese. Those two would deffinantly be up high on my list. I think they are cute and unique without being odd.

  17. I have a Sydney Reise...(that's just how we spell it) so I'm partial to those.

    Love Jacie...I know one other Jacie who is a way cute little girl. =)

    Hope that helps!

  18. I Think Madelyn Or Sydney.

    Reese Seems Like More Of A Boys Name I Think.

    But There All Really Pretty Names.

  19. Madelyn, and Sydney.

  20. Mira sounds pretty  like Amira which means princess

  21. i love Jacie, Macie, and Sydney.

    Harlow and Reese are both okay...still cute names.

    good luck =]

  22. 1. Madelyn

    2. Reese

    3. Mira

    Good luck!

  23. I like Jacie, Maci, & Reese the best. How about Maci Reese?

  24. I love the names Jacie, Madelyn and Sydney, they're all really cute! I especially love, Jacie Madelyn, it's my favorite combination from your list! Hope this helps! =)

    Jacie Madelyn

    Sydney Harlow


    Madelyn Reese

  25. I love Elodie. I like Mira (meer-uh) a lot. The rest are not my taste, though I do like Madeline or Madeleine.

    I'd go with Elodie Mira. Beautiful!

  26. Love love love Madelyn and Mira.  Reese and Sydney are sweet too.

  27. Maci and Madelyn

  28. definatly Maci


  29. I think spelling it Lodie would seriously confuse people.

    I love Madelyn Harlow!

  30. Wow, I LOVE the name Elodie! It's one of my favorite names of all time. And it definitely goes beyond your other name choices, like Jacie and Reese...Elodie is just "wow". I like how you can pronounce it two different ways too, if you spell it "Elodie" then it is "Elle-oh-dee" but if you spell it with an accent, "Élodie" is "AY-low-dee". I like the accented version myself, but both are gorgeous. You have very nice taste. Have a star =)

  31. I like Harlow, Madelyn, MIra, Reese and Sydney.  Cute cute cute!!

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