
Which girls' name? Please vote!

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My friend is having a little girl in October. Here are the three first names she's been considering. Which one do you like best? Feel free to comment on any of them as well.

1. Nevaeh -- Heaven spelled backwards; It was invented a few years ago by a contemporary Christian singer for his little girl.

2. Mia-Sarah -- Means "my princess"; Mia is either Italian for "my" or a Scandinavian form of Maria; Sarah is a biblical name.

3. Amaia -- Means "the end" in Basque; It's the name of a Spanish village and mountain.

Thanks for the input! (I'm asking this question as the friend asked for MY advice, and I'm wondering if the advice I gave her corresponds with what everyone else thinks.)




  1. Nevaeh- The statement "invented by...a few years ago" should actually turn you away from this name. It is the epitome of horrible, trendy names for girls these days. Y!A is about the only place that you'll get any positive feedback for this name. Célie (say lee) is actually a very, very cute Latin name that means heaven. You could use it on it's own or as a nickname for Celia which means the same thing. Please don't use Nevaeh, I see more little fatherless children on Maury with this name than I do anywhere else.

    Mia-Sarah- This name would be wonderful without the ' - '. Most of the time, people forget to put it there anyway. It really doesn't serve a purpose. If you want people to call her Mia Sarah, just tell them that. Everyone will shorten it to Mia at one point anyway, so there really is no use in using the hyphen that will get irritating when everyone forgets to use it.

    Amaia- This is a lovely choice. It's pretty, feminine, and easy to grow with. I give this one a thumbs up. :]

  2. i serousily think you should pic amaia but amelia is a nice name too!

  3. Amaia is definitely the best, although the child's name is probably going to be misspelled as "Maya" VERY often.

    My little sister's name is Kaya... I love the aya/aia sound.

    ...Please tell your friend not to pick either of the first two names. You said that you've already picked and are just asking Y!A as verification, but I strongly advise against them. They are pretty, I agree, but Nevaeh is obviously religious and Mia-Sarah is apparently biblical.

    The mother, I'm guessing, is Christian, but the child could (once it's old enough to think for itself) be Atheist or something. Mia-Sarah isn't obviously biblical (I didn't know it was), but Neveah is pretty religious.

    Plus... Mia-Sarah sounds foreign and classy, but Nevaeh sounds somewhat white-trash.  

  4. i like mia-sarah

    good luck!!

    i hope the baby is healthy and wish u, ur friend and the baby a happy future

  5. If I had to choose between the three I would pick Nevaeh.

    She may also want to consider the name Heavenly. I think that is so pretty!  

  6. Not Nevaeh!

  7. 1. You know how I feel about Nevaeh, Em! Just say no! It's incredibly ugly and trashy and oddly enough, trendy.

    2. I think Mia Sarah, with Sarah as a middle name, would be much simpler than a hyphenated first name. She could even do Mia Sarah (middlename), without the hyphen, but it can be incredibly difficult on a person. A lot of computer programs won't allow spaces or punctuation in the name lines, so names like Mary-Rose will often not show up at all, or they'll be Maryrose, or Mary&'`!&*Rose, or something like that.

    3. Amaia isn't a name I would ever use. However, I think it's the clear winner of all these choices. It's a place name, which makes it current, and it's similar to other names used now, like Maya.

    So, my vote is Amaia, then Mia (Sarah), then Mia Sarah.  

  8. ewww i hate nevaeh

    mia-sarah is the best!

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