
Which goalkeeper is most often denied the credit he deserves?

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Which goalkeeper is most often denied the credit he deserves?




  1. Chris Kirkland

  2. I'm not sure, but the one I feel most sorry for is Carson. One bad England performance (he's not alone in that) and he's been stuck with it. I'm just glad he's young and has now got his own club. He's a lot better than he's been given credit for. He's been treated very badly by club and country alike.    

  3. EDVS

  4. i think that would be reina

  5. Hahnemann

  6. David James.... he's sorted out his mistakes and lapses in concentration nowadays. He was the best keeper in the prem last season and gave pompey about 15points

  7. Brad Freidel and Claudio Reina

  8. Brad Freidel, he is the best keeper in the prem but nobody ever talks about him because he doesn't play for a big club.

  9. Reina and Adler

  10. tomaz kuzcjak

    when does he EVER get a mention

    when has he ever made a costly mistake

  11. Robert Green of West Ham, he must be getting close to a cap soon!!

  12. Its got to be Reina as he has won the golden glove 3 years running. Kuszack has made one of the funniest mistakes ever check out this video of him playing for Poland.

  13. Artur Boruc he  is so underrated  

  14. TOTALLY agree with Mr. Bm...

    Reina is the man...

  15. Reina is so under-rated.


  16. Given As People Think He Is **** As Newcastle Never Do Well But Its The Defence Thats **** And If It Wasnt For Given We Would Have Had At Least One Season In The Championship For Sure!

  17. Robert Green - i think he saved every penalty he was up against last season! But lets hope England stick with Calamity James eh

  18. Brad Friedel.  He is as solid as he is spectacular.  

    Reina, as well, doesn't get talked about that much, but he is solid and has great transitional ball skills.

  19. Reina

  20. Tim Howard---plays as well as any keeper in the world.

  21. Reina.... Golden glove winner 3 years in a row. Never mentioned as one of the best in the Premiership.  

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