
Which government do you think was the most perfect and successful in history?

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Why did they fail? Do you think that it would have worked differently if only :_____________?

Do you think that style of government would work in the USA, or in your country? Why or why not?

I promise, this isn't homework, I just want to get some opinions.

I might add my own later.

Sorry : I have a duplicate in History, but I really wanted it here.





  1. In the quest for perfect, man can not rule other men as defined by the shortcomings created by god the true peacemaker.

    the us govt does work & shall work better with less liberals


  2. The Swiss confederacy.  They have not failed and still survive after 600 years.

  3. None of them, first you have to understand who is really running things, none of your governments were ever 'in charge', even as far back as the founding fathers, the power was from Britain.  Everything was on a agenda, even chasing the redcoats out, and every war since. The Rothschild family & Co. have ruled over the US from the start, they sponsored Rockefeller, and others over the years, and now they are after a New World Order, to do this they must get rid of the middle class, and that's what they are doing across the globe, the EU is starting to shrink, as all countries have to share their seats now, like England and Ireland, and there is to be only one permanent chairman, etc, until there is only a few, see where it's all going?

  4. U.S.A. of course

  5. The UN rank the standard of living in countries, the countries that give there people the most back are usually also the happiest citizens no s**+** says you. Thats the Scandanavian countries. That won't work in the US it would require embracing social ideals, derived from socialism thought which spawned communism its a hard sell.

    Still the place where those teletubbies live looks pretty ideal too.

    The Swiss turned a blind eye to WW2 and the Holocaust and hoarded n**i Gold. Hardly perfection.  

    Apollo the EU has just swallowed eastern europe, they are shrinking ........

  6. The one that did your face wow beautifull

  7. I think it was Alexander Hamilton who said about the U. S. Constitution (forgive me and correct me if I got the wrong guy).

    He said, and I am paraphrasing a bit because I don't have the exact quote:

    Our government, while not perfect, is at least excellent.

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