
Which grass should I grow, Bermuda or Fescue?

by Guest57844  |  earlier

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I live in Fresno, CA. Temperatures here in summers go above 100 and in Winters drop near 0. Bermuda is warm weather grass and Fescue likes winter. I do not want to have brown gras in any time of the year, so just planting Bermuda is out of the question. Can I plant Fescue in August and in April plant Bermuda and have 2 grass in my lawn? Is this a good idea? Will Bermuda choke Fescue?




  1. Without doubt, fescue.

  2. i am from tennessee and my parents had the same problem. i told dad to plant fescue. it is lower maintenance than bermuda and tolerates the weather here pretty good. we have minters in the 30s and summers in the 90s to 100s.  it does fine considering tn is in the transition zone.  bermuda is an option but overseeding is an extra cost. i would never plant bermuda and then overseed with fescue. if you choose bermuda overseed with a perennial ryegrass blend. fescue worked in our area with a similar climate. turf type tall fescue also looks really good and is used on many athletic fields in the transition zone.

  3. Bermuda will infiltrate the fescue and indeed choke it out. You will end up with a half brown yard with green clumps in it. Not so desirable.

    Use annual Rye as the second grass. You need the warm season for summer. As it browns in the fall, seed the Rye. It germinates fast, will stay green over winter, and die as soon as it starts getting hot, the same time the Bermuda will start to green up. Good combination, good companion.

  4. i think your best choice would be marathon 1 grass

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