
Which grass will be most suitable for my home garden lawn in North India?

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My lawn area is small (30 ft * 30 ft). Should I go for Indian Doob or Selection No. 1 or Carpet grass or something else. Please tell me something which can withstand extreme heat during summers and fog & cold during winters in North India. Please also tell whether Carpet grass is same as Mexican or Korean grass or something else.




  1. Carpetgrass is a perennial, coarse-leaved, creeping grass. It grows better on low, wet soils than do other grasses. It will grow well in either sun or shade but is less shade tolerant than St. Augustine and Centipede grass which it resembles. Carpetgrass may be planted by seed or sprigs.

    Carpetgrass is recommended only for lawns on wet, low fertility, acid, (pH 4.5-5.5) sandy soils where ease of establishment and care is more important than quality. Its chief disadvantage is rapid seedhead production.

    Carpet Grass makes a dense turf, can be grown from seed, shallow rooted and therefore is not drought tolerant. It is as cold tolerant as centipede and has poor salt tolerance. It's shade tolerance is about the same as Centipede (less than St. Augustine grass)

  2. See what's doing best in your area. If you think that someone in your neighbourhood has a good lawn, don't hesitate to ask them about it. Its best to the grass that is known to perform in your area rather than try for something that might not do that well. Any good nurseries in your city should also be able to give you some expert advice.

  3. I would suggest Dychondra, it is a grass substitute and it grows nicely with a good color in Delhi.  People also grow Thymus, but that is not as happy in the wet season.

    But if you must have a grass, then Japanese or Korean grass should grom well for you there.  I do not know enough about carpet grass - one thing I always do, it walk through the neighborhood and see which lawns look fabulous, then I simply ask the homeowner what they are using to get those fabulous results, they are usually proud to tell me, or at least open their shed so I can look at the seed bag their yard-person has left (if they do not prepare their own lawn.)

  4. You can choose South african Grass name pasphallum vaginatum  which will give best result in arid and cool temperature, infact it grows well in gulf countries

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