
Which group is the largest conservative, liberal or moderate?

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Which group is the largest conservative, liberal or moderate?




  1. Moderate control the election

  2. While the moderates are clearly the largest group, most of that group will select a conservative over a liberal in a heartbeat. As it turns out, most of them still have the basic fundamentals upon which this country was based, and as we all know, those fundamentals are conservative in nature.

  3. I wish I knew. You'd have to come up with a definition of each and then measure them. The results would vary widely according to subtle variations in the definitions.

    All these terms are elastic, changing with the times. What qualifies as liberal today was fairly conservative 50 years ago.

  4. The disenchanted.

  5. Most people seem to be in the middle, or at least most have both conservative and liberal opinions depending on the issue.

  6. Moderate - but if the true Liberals actually got out and voted more then it might swing more to the left.

    You know who you are: always complaining about everything, letting everyone know what you thnk is right then not vote!!! and give some reason like "my vote doesn't count anyways". hahaha

  7. Moderate, but in terms of how much influence, it is third behind cons and libs respectively.

  8. american idol voters.  

    which is why a certain party has resorted to flashy speeches with no substance.  

    gotta give em credit

  9. Moderate.

  10. Thanks for the racist email! I bet you burn crosses!

  11. Moderate which are people who don't care enough to have a strong opinion but still recognize the duty to vote.

  12. They are actually about even with a few people on the edges crossing lines from issue to issue.  Probably most people would self identify as a Moderate.

  13. Moderate

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