
Which group of people/nation has the biggest chip on its shoulder?

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  1. From my travels around the world I would say Black Americans constant ly whining about in-equality closely followed by White Australians and how everyone is taking thier land /jobs. Then they come over here and replace our bar staff.

  2. You in your generalisations!

  3. Post modernity  where everything has  a  relevant sociological opinion [morays and Norma's] that all may be valid who is  right  and which truth is  really  true? (innersubjectivity) So with all of these worldviews are relevant they must be  exclusive. Truth by definition is  exclusive right? (2+2 can only have one exclusive answer which is 4) . but yes we are in a post modern time where everybody can have a  specific  worldview. but they can't all be  correct and i really think Oprah really knows  that but just cant accept it. So what is  truth then  if this is [true] in her exact  words? but I would ask Oprah why is  relativism exclusive? good questions today i wish there were more like this. I wish I had more time to position everything better,

  4. i don't usually like to generalise but i would say African americans and other groups who were slave traded. i understand that we can't forget what happened, and it was terrible but it's not my fault that some rich english men years and years before i was born did this, and i don't like it to be suggested that because i'm white it's all my fault.

  5. The Russians. Ever since President Regan engaged them in an arms race which they could never win. They almost bankrupted themselves in the attempt to keep up but eventually had to admit defeat which resulted in the break up of the old U.S.S.R.(the evil empire) President Regan, not the lunatic "ban the bomb lefties" achieved this through tough determination and an unshakable belief in his cause. He attained his goal without a shot being fired.Dictator Putin is seething at this humiliation and feels that his country is being treated as a second class nation by the West. He is determined,through his puppet  president to place Russia back onto the world stage as a military equal to the U.S.A.

  6. Atheists (as they call themselves, although some of them have chips on their shoulders about that title).

    Because they confuse religion with the pure concept of a 'God'.  For example they debate Arks with extremists, but get out of their depth with more intelligent believers, on the subject of non established science (as all science is to begin with).

    This makes them very vitriolic indeed.

    The ones with the biggest chips often stereotype all believers as 'h**l threateners' and they never stick to debating God... just a minority of annoying religious people!

  7. West Indians for slavery.

  8. Now, you shouldn't generalize.  Some of the groups we consider loud are just a very small section.  Usually the most radical section.  Take blacks or women.  Both have had equality issues in the past (and a little today), and most don't have a chip on their shoulder, except the radicals wanting to annex California as an exclusive black state.  Any group that has had problems at any point in the past couple millenia will have some that hold grudges.  Shiites and Sunnis don't get along very well right now, but I have a hunch most of the populace just want to go on quietly.  Now the exceptiont that is any that has been brainwashed by the government, like in Iran.

    Chips on the shoulders of a whole group?  Unlikely without propaganda.

  9. Us 'maddies' have biggest chips from being dealt with by even madder system of 'care'

    i doubt that I will ever get it off my shoulder till there are some humanistic mental  health reforms that include us.

  10. Xians, they are always calling non-believers names, such as "Atheists", threatening other people with h**l and trying to force them to convert.

    Most of them seem to be more aggressive than normal people are.

  11. Judging by the question Dudo has left about English attitudes to Latin Americans, I can think of at least one Venezuelan who has a few issues.

  12. hard to say, but I think all groups have some chips on their shoulders.

    the standout groups are anyone from the middle east, and of course, blacks.

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