
Which guard would you prefer to have the open or closed guard?

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I like the open guard because you could move your legs more freely! CLOSED GUARD IS GOOD TO KEEP THE OPPONENT CLOSE AND SMOOTHER HIS ATTACK.




  1. I prefer to keep my gaurd up to prevent nosebops, palmheels, backfists, or punches to my face. Even though I can't move my legs as freely, I feel it's better to protect myself over having more leverage over the other person.

  2. Open guard makes is easier for the opponent to escape. So i choose close guard.

  3. The closed guard is the beginning guard and base guard where you need to learn to defend against passes (or strikes in MMA) and be able to setup attacks.  There are a good amount of offensive techniques from closed guard, but open guard is where you can really be offensive.

    There are also tons of variations of open guard: butterfly, spider, seated, scissor, x-guard, de la riva, octopus, etc.  The list could go on.

    So open guard, there is a lot more possibilities for attack.

  4. Open gaurd if the person your fighting is a novice on the ground and wont pass, and if he's good and will pass go with rubber gaurd or "mission control" as Eddie Bravo likes to call it.

  5. For me, it all depends on the situation.  I like to not limit myself to any given technique, but rather allow myself to utilize all that I've been taught in order to capitilize on openings as they arise.  

    My instructor has taught me that when grappling, even the smallest movement can change the energy of a given situation.  In response to your question, if i know my opponent is going to unload on me, I'll pull him in close with a closed guard.  If he's constantly leaving himself open for counters, I'll open up so that I can capitalize.

  6. Both. Closed guard at first to see where my opponent is skill wise, whether he is trying to pass or strike, whether he knows what he is doing or not.

    Then when opportunity arises, open guard while keeping my knees high and tight to prevent passing, and use the high knees to defend against strikes.

    Then look for submissions or sweeps.

  7. Depends on whether I am using an empty-hand or walking stick technique.

  8. Definetly the open guard.  With your guard open you have possiblities to sweep and submit your opponent, while like you said the closed guard is basically used as a defensive measure to keep your opponent from passing or posturing up to ground and pound.  I like to keep my guard tight untill I have an opening for a sweep or submission.  If you keep your guard open all the time it gives your opponent more of an opportunity to create the space necessary to get into a more dominant position

  9. The Rubber Guard...

  10. When I'm training jiu jitsu with the gi I love spider guard and other styles of open guard but I only open my guard to sweep or submit when training no gi.

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