
Which guy is the hottest?

by  |  earlier

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tell me their shirt, hair, everything :)




  1. why do they all have the same hair? they all look like nerds

  2. None. Crazy kids.

  3. Uhm... none. :)

  4. Ks since they're like around my age I'll answer lol. Okay I think the cutest guy would be the one in the black shirt and he has brown hair, you know he's in between the guys in the white and green. =)

  5. Was this a contest to see which guy could have the longest hair??? lol

  6. oh Jesus.  I'm almost wishing it were the Jonas Brothers now.

    we'll they're all 10 but i'll go with the kid with the glasses because GLASSES PWN THE WORLD.

  7. LOL! Those are kids are like 9 years old. Some of them are cute in a little kid sort of way, but ...

    Honestly I'd have to choose the kid with the spongebob shirt [if that is a boy] because I can't see his face.

    Wow. The only kid in that picture who even remotely looks 14 is the kid in green, and maybe the spongebob kid, depending on what his face looks like. O_O The 14 year old boys I know look alottt different.

  8. they are all like 11

  9. None of them are what I call "hot" but i would have to say the guy in the Spongebob shirt. lol. Sad right? (looooooooong hair)

  10. They're all pretty good looking.

    I'd say the guy with the black shirt with a hand on his head...

    Or the guy at the very bottom.

  11. the blonde chick on the far left above yellow shirt guy :D

  12. 2 b honest i think they r ALL UGLY! sorry thats just my opinion

  13. What the h**l is this? 6th grade graduation? D:

    They're not "hot" they're cute little kids...  

  14. Haha, wow, 14? They all look rather...young.

    I don't find any of them hot, but then again, I'm a lot older?


    They're all good looking in their own way I guess. The best looking one is the guy in the green shirt in the middle, and the boy on the bottom in the black shirt smiling. And the one with the spongebob shirt's back of the head is good? Hahaha

    [edit] Oh sorry, haha. Well I picked the guy in green because he's able to pull off the long hair without making it look gross. I like the yellow shirted guy's haircut, and his t-shirt. :) And the one at the bottom in black has a nice haircut and smile.

  15. lol all white ppl on the mainland look the same to me. (no offense) you look like you all  belong in some movie about middle school. the guy i the middle with the green shirt has awesome hair. i love it.

  16. one of them is wearing a spongebob shirt....

    nuff said.

  17. everybody there is ugly

  18. none really, they are all too young for me...

  19. they guy in the green is cute  

  20. None of them...they all need a "HAIRCUT" you can't see their faces... they all look like sheep dogs... you can't tell which ones are boys and which ones are girls!!!

  21. Don't they know what a ****** haircut is?

    Those guys look like they aren't anywhere near puberty.....

  22. why are you asking this kind of question about 8 year olds? weird.

  23. um they are like 12...  

  24. none really

    maybe the one were u can see his face(not trying to be rude)

    But he looks like he has a good style

    he might be hot                                        

  25. uhmmmm 14 huh??


    anyways if i had to pick i would say the kid in the green shirt in the middle.

  26. the guy with the long hair jk jk jk;...

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