
Which guy should I go for?

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Ok...i have two guys that like me and im not sure what to do...

Heres a little about me... im a girl, 13 (will be fourteen in oct.) in 9th

grade and i am considered pretty, i guess. i guess im kinda preppy, but have a more unique look then most preps? idk


Guy number 1: This boy i have known since last summer, i met him at

summer camp. I have liked him for a long time, but he always liked someone else or had a girlfriend. but now he is finally single and likes me. He is really sweet, respectful, but a little bit mature (sexually) for me. hes had s*x like two times and im still a virgin (duh). i havnt even made out with a guy yet jsyk. (and for all you jerks out there its because I didnt want to).oh and yes he is hot. he is preppy/jockish i guess. and btw he will be a junior.

Guy number 2: I have a history with this one. We dated for 4 months last year (which was pretty awesome considering i had a HUGE crush on him). He gave me my first kiss, and was always a REALLY good bf.

we kinda drifted apart towards the end. (i have forgot why so dont ask).

again, he is more sexually mature then me. Hes gotten head and stuff.

again, i havnt even made out yet. but then again he gave me my first kiss and when we were going out we gave eachother pecks on the cheek and lips ALOT.He likes me again and i think i like him. heres the prob: He is an a*****e around his friends, but he is truly a sweetheart one on one. i think he like puts on an act.

any way he is 15 and he is going to be a sophmore. he is skater. and he is really hot to lol.

so please help me im stuck between guys!!




  1. You're 13!?

    That's messed up.

    I'm a junior in high school and I don't think I would ever even want to touch a 13 year old.

    So gross.....

    By the way you wrote this, it seems like you would just go out with the junior because hes older, experienced, and popular.  But you actually have feeling for the other one.

    Ok guy number just wants s*x.  It's so obvious.  He always has a gf and liked somone else and all of a sudden he likes you?  It doesn't work that way.  

    Go for 2.  You've had experience with him and you know he isn't a tool.  Just ask him why he treates you like a jerk in front of his friends and confront him about it.  If worst comes to worst, just ignore him when he's around his friends.

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