
Which hadeeth?.........

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i know the hadeeth for when muhammed(saww) appointed ali (as) as mawla/wali:

Prophet declared: "Whosoever's mawla am I, this 'Ali is his mawla."

but is there a hadeeth saying that muhammed(saww) accepted umar and abu bakr or like .. something like that

just like to know wat it is

thanks :D




  1. ask your mom.

  2. does it matter ? who was first caliph and who was last ?

    does it have to do any thing with FAITH ,IMAAN ?

    is it an essential belief ? otherwise one would end up in janhanum ?

    these kinds of things have created disputes among muslims ,who have divided themselves BY THEIR OWN CHOICE  

  3. Mawla just means associates. It is called hadith of Ghadeer khum. It never says that Ali RA was appointed as successor.

  4. "Whosoever's mawla am I, this 'Ali is his mawla."?!?!?!?

    there is no Hadith like this in Islam !!

    maybe in you religion Shiaism

    so go read in your religion books

    or i will make it easier for you

    they consider Omar(Ra) and Abu Baker(Ra) as Kafirs ...

    this is from Majlisi the biggest Dajjal in your religion

    Abu Bakr is kafir and the one who loves Abu Bakr is also kafir. (Haq-ul-yaqeen, page #690, Baqar majlisi).

    so that's your Filthy religion is...

  5. This narration: "Whosoever's mawla am I, this 'Ali is his mawla"

    Is Mawdoo'. The same Sunni Scholars of Hadeeth who mentioned that addition to the Hadeeth (it's a Ziyaadah meaning that it's an addition to a Hadeeth by another Raawee) also mentioned that it's Mawdoo'.

    Imaam Ahmad said: زيادة كوفية، ولا ريب أنها كذب

    ((It's an addition from Koofah, and there is no doubt that it is a lie))

    And regardless, even if it was true... it doesnt mean we "follow" 'Alee radhiallaahu anhu in the way the Shee'ah made Tashayyu' of him. The prophet salallaahu alaihi wa salam also said about Zayd (reported in Majmoo' al Fataawah Vol 4- Aqeedah)

    أنت أخونا ومولانا

    So what can you say about that then? Where do you not take him as your leader?

    As for the Hadeeth about Aboo Bakr and Umar radhiallaahu anhumaa there is one narrated by Ibn Mas'ood radhiallaahu anhu which is reported by at-Tirmidhee:

    اقْتَدُوا بِاللَّذَيْنِ مِنْ بَعْدِي أَبِي بَكْرٍ وَعُمَرَ

  6. Well

    Its not only in among the shia hadeeth but its in shahi al bukhari also..

    but they left islam and went to politics


    I love you

    Go and read your own book Sahi Al bukhary if your a sunni If your A wahabi then In your islam its not

    (your islam Is Khawarijs islam Not real islam)

    لولا علی لهک عمر

  7. Your Shia right? and your asking for references from Sunni Hadiths? Talk about being hypocritical. Don't you have any proof from your own ' Hadith collections?

    Asker: I rather believe Muhammad companions than some than a group of individuals who never met Muhammad.

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