
Which hair color kit is the best?

by  |  earlier

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like which is the least damaging and really lasts? a permanent one.

i want my hair to be light brown like this:

currently its like this kinda brassy brownish blonde color:

the top of my head kinda goes from a light brown to that color.

which kit should i use? perfect 10, feria, garnier... etc




  1. TRY TH3 L0R3AL 0R PANT3N3 GAiiR KiiT ii THiiNK Y00H CAN G0 T0 WALMART 0R SALLyS T0 G3T iiT....H0P3 ii H3LP3D

  2. Herbatint is the best because it has no ammonia, made with natural ingredients and isn't tested on animals.

    Check this link out:

    They are found in retail stores.

  3. i used loreal. they sucked it is fading and it looks bad.

    perfect 10 is really god. i suggest it(:

  4. The best at-home color you can buy is Garnier Fructis. I don't have any personal experience, but it said on Oprah and in Seventeen that Garnier is the best for at-home color, so I'd go with that if I were you. So, hope I helped! =D

  5. get it done professionally

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