
Which hamburger is more fattening Whopper or Big Mac?

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Which hamburger is more fattening Whopper or Big Mac?




  1. big mac ...whopper is grilled less fat

  2. In view of the fact they both have a huge range of very fattening products, it is impossible to say.

    Not only are they fattening but they are high in nasty fats, which are the cause of the obesity and heart failure problems the western world is now facing.

    It is best to stick to a lettuce and tomato diet.

    See those two links, one for big mac one for whopper.

    They are both as bad.

    Thanks for bringing it to my attention, there is a weeks fat in both of them.

    I will stick to lettuce and tomatos from now on.

  3. whopper

  4. big mac--my son worked there MC's and said they actually cook their burgers in grease! (*Yuck)..whereas burger king

    burger's are flame broiled!

  5. They are both VERY fattening! Don't eat either one! Go for a chicken sandwich instead.

  6. Big Mac, eat a salad, yum yum..

  7. Big Mac as it takes 9 miles to run off the fat whereas Whopper only takes 7, both still really fattening but one is less fattening.

  8. big mac

  9. i would say the big mac because it is fried and the whopper is flame broiled

  10. You can look up the nutrition facts at the website for McDonalds and Burger King........more fattenting, the whopper,  the big mac has less calories and fat.....

  11. A Big Mac from McDonalds USA is a 7.5oz serving. It includes 540 calories, of which 260 are derived from fat in the burger. The total fat content in a Big Mac is 29 grams, which is approximately 46% of your daily recommended fat intake in one burger. 10 grams of that fat is Saturated Fats, which is 51% of your daily recommended intake of Saturated Fats, and 1.5 grams of that fat is Trans Fats, which is 75% of your daily recommended intake of Trans Fats. In addition, a Big Mac has 75mg of cholesterol (25% of daily recommended intake) and a whopping 1040mg of sodium.

    A Whopper from Burger King, on the other hand, has 670 calories total, and 39 grams of fat. Of that 39 grams, 11 is Saturated fats, and 1.5 is trans fats. Additionally the Whopper has 95mg of cholesterol, and 1020mg of sodium. However, interestingly enough, if you order the Whopper without mayo, it looks much better: 510 calories, 22g of fat (9g saturated, 1g trans) 80mg cholesterol, 880mg sodium.

    The Whopper is overall less healthy than a Big Mac by a very slim margin. The worst part of either burger however is the Trans Fat content, followed by the Saturated Fat content - regular fatty acids are actually quite good for you. If you took the "bad" fats out of both burgers, you'd be looking at moderate-heavy cardio exercise (treadmill, elliptical, etc) for around 60-90 minutes to work off the caloric intake, if that helps put it into perspective for you.

    Might I suggest that if you're concerned about fat intake at fast food restaurants, you opt out of the burger category and instead look towards grilled chicken sandwiches, which are actually quite healthy. Additionally, if you order your burger without any mayo, the mayo or sauce on it represents a huge portion of the overall fat and calories in any fast food burger.

  12. big mac  bc they have more bread and more bad stuff

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