
Which hamster breed should I get ????

by  |  earlier

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I changed my mind I want to get hamster but there all so cutie which kind?




  1. i suggest a syrian hamster. they are very easy to control and require little maintenance. they are very nice when you get them tamed. they don't like to be with any other animals including other syrians. they will fight to the death for dominance. they are basically any hamster other than dwarfs or chineses (honey bear, blackbear, golden, fancy, ect.). check out this site for a little more info.

  2. TEDDY BEAR  magor they are the best of all the breeds

  3. Well I have 5 Campbell Dwarf Russian Hamsters.( 3 boys and 2 girls). They get along with each other just as much as they get along with me. They haven't bitten me yet. And the reason why I like them is because they are small. They only grow to about 4". But not only just that they are small but they aren't that fast as Robo Hamsters. They move slow enough for you to grab them with no problem. So you choose.  

  4. Which ever one you find that is sweet and affectionate to you go look hold and play with a few

  5. No hamster requires 'little maintenance' as someone said, but I would suggest getting a Syrian hamster (or teddybear, two names for the same breed) They are great for first time hamster owners. Dwarf hamsters take forever to tame, they bite a lot and don't live very long.

    Syrians are a little bigger so more cuddly :P they are more fun just in general, and live for about 3 years. I would suggest researching a lot about whatever breed you will get before getting it so you can take really good care of one the first time out.

    Good luck!

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