
Which hamster cage should I use?

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I'm getting a hammy soon and I can't decide between these two cages:

Spongebob Cage:

Petsmart Cage:

Spongebob Cage:

pros: hard for hamster to escape

comes with portable carrier for hamster

i like spongebob

con: more expensive

Petsmart Cage:

pros: cheaper price

comes with wheel

fun colors

con: has gap at bottom so that hamster might escape

Honestly, I'm in love with the Spongebob Cage but I am asking this question just to be sure.





  1. Iwould get the spongebob cage, although, I don't get Crittertrail cages or any other plastic and wire cage, because:

    1. They smell terrible as soon as your hamster urintates, even after you've cleaned it

    2. If the spongebob one is expandable, like you can use tubes to connect to another cage and stuff liek that, your hamster can get out pretty easily if it puts it's mind too it

    All in all, the Spongebob one should be fine. I hope I have helped.

  2. If u want the sponge bob cage I think u can get it as long as u let ur hamster run around in a exercise ball for an hour everyday cuz hamsters in the wild normally have to travel far to find food & thats why the like to run on their wheel so much. So if u have the time to let him in an exercise ball everyday then go ahead & get the sponge bob cage.

  3. I don't think either of the cages are good for a hamster; both are crittertrail, they break easily, are hard to clean, and tend to harbor odors. If I were you I'd get a nice, large wire cage (1x2x1) from petsmart. Though they're not as pretty, they are safer, provide better ventalation, and are easier to clean. Hope that helps

  4. To be honest I wouldn't use either.

    I have three dwarf hamsters, two males and one female that I keep in separate cages.

    For the female I use a wire hamster cage by Hartz (called "playcity extreme' I think) that I got at walmart for twenty bucks. It came with a water bottle and a wheel that attach to the outside of the cage and a plastic hiding place for the hamster.  I love this cage mainly because it is sooo easy to clean.  All I have to do is pop the wire top off the plastic bottom, empty the dirty bedding into the trash can, rinse the plastic bottom in hot water, and the wire top pops right back into place.  It's so easy, I don't even usually have to scrub.

    For my boys I use a ten gallon tank.  It's still very easy to clean and provides more floorspace but it doesn't come with anything extra.  It was twelve dollars at walmart.  I like it because I think it provides a better view of your hamster than a wire cage.

    There's also the option of a bin cage.  

    Here is a site with instructions for one:

    however it's also perfectly acceptable to just drill holes for ventilation, your hammie won't really know the difference. =]

    I myself have not used a bin cage yet, but I have heard they are one of the very best options.

    Here is a good site for information on cages:

    Good luck with your new hamster!

  5. I would get the spongebob cage and add a wheel somewhere. But it's always better to look into other cages. I would suggest these over those:

    ^If you happen to decide on this one ^ then but cardboard or wood to cover the bottom because it's wire and will hurt your hamster's feet!

    And yes they're a little more expensive, but isn't it worth your hamster's happiness? (And the spongebob cage would be good, too as long as you add a wheel!)

    There's always the option of getting a tank (no smaller than 10 gallon) and filling it with toys and bedding for your hamster!

    OR, you could make a cage. Use a plastic storage bin:

    And cutting out most of the top lid. Then staple/glue/whatever on bars or window screen material. Or, you could poke a million holes but this isn't recommended.

    I can see how you would want the spongebob one and it is 100% fine just make sure YOU ADD A WHEEL! :D

    I like these wheels because they're very safe for your hamster and don't make any noise:

    Good luck! (And keep in mind that no matter what cage you get you still need to give your hamster out of the cage play time at least 5 times a week)

  6. Those might be big enough for a dwarf but for a syrian they are way too small.

  7. go for sponge bob! the sponge bob one is at a good price its colorful too and looks nicer and more entertaining! [:

    hope i helped! good luck and hope your hamster is happy! lol [:

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