
Which handgun to pick?

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So i am inheriting one of my grandfather's pistols. These include a Dan Wesson .357 magnum, a Bernardelli .32, a Smith and Wesson Model 29 .44 magnum, and a pre WWI Colt 1911 .45. Just wondering what other people's opinions are




  1. If you are asking which of these to choose, I personally would go with the Model 29...I've just always wanted the Dirty Harry gun though.

  2. Personally, I would go with the Colt 1911, just my opinion though. You should pick what is comfortable for you to hold and shoot.

  3. Dan Wesson about $300

    I wouldn't even consider it if it is not a Monson

    S&W 29 about $700 to $800

    If it had a 4' barrel I would lean towards that one

    Bernardelli .32 about $200 to $300

    Worthless caliber in an adequate gun

    pre war 1911 $2000 to $3000 maybe more

    It's what God shoots

    My only hesitation would be that I am not a collector

    Any gun that I couldn't shoot alot would be worthless to me

    But I have enough of a collector mentality in me that I could not bring myself to shoot that gun a lot and I could not bring myself to sell an inheritance such as this  

  4. The most valuable is the Colt 1911

    You would probably have the most fun with the Dan Wesson and the Model 29. The Bernardelli I would have to look up(?).

  5. pick the colt 1911 .45 (gonna be worth big bucks!) or the .357 magnum for self defense

  6. Colt 1911. You would be a fool not to.

  7. I wouldn't choose any of these to go hunting with.

    But as far as which gun I would choose to inherit.. I would go with the oldest, assuming they are all in about the same condition.  

  8. I, personally, would be happy with any of my grandfathers guns. Even if it was a tiny Co2 BB gun i would still love it. I could never decide, so good luck to you.

  9. WWI Colt 1911 .45

    They don't make these any more.

  10. .45 Model 1911...

    next choice, the model 29..

  11. To be perfectly honest, our opinion means absolutely nothing.  We all have our preferences as what handgun we would choose.  If it's possible, I would shoot them all.  From there, you can decide which one you like best.  Cost of ammo and current condition of the handgun might play a factor as well. You might look into those things.  Anytime I inherit a firearm, I have it checked out with the local gunsmith to see if it has been properly maintained.  

    It doesn't matter what others tell you.  It's what you think that's important.

  12. The pre war 1911.

    I would then take it to a smith, have it cleaned, packed in cosmoline and hide it for your grandkids. By the time they go to college it may pay for the first year for one of them. After that I would get the 357 you can shoot 357 and 38 special out of it.

    If you don't want the 1911 send it to me...;)

  13. .357 Magnum, definitely, I picked that one, I love that one, I have that one, if not that buy a beretta!

  14. Dan Wesson 357Magnum would be my pick. I used to own one and it was a good shooter.

    The 32 is nearly useless.

  15. The .45 colt 1911. That is a sweet gun and will be a collector item very soon.

  16. 1.).45 Model Colt 1911

    2.) S&W model 29

  17. The Colt 1911 .45 unless its in poor condition, then I would pick the S&W Model 29.*
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