
Which hands should you hold your knife / fork in when eating out?

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Which hands should you hold your knife / fork in when eating out?




  1. When cutting meat, you should hold the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right hand. I, being American, have always switched the fork to the left hand to eat the food, however.

    Bottom line: the knife should be in whichever hand is your dominant hand. This is to ensure stability of the knife(it is the sharper object of the 2 utensils.

  2. Your own preferable unless your madly in love and are being hand feed

  3. Knife should be in ur right hand and fork in ur left, that's if u are right handed. It's the opposite if u are left handed. The knife has to be in ur dominant hand to be in control.

  4. it depends on which hand you hold a pencil with

  5. neither..

    both hands should be placed firmly on her legs to keep her from killing you after a few seconds of eating ..wait why do i get the feeling were not talking about the same thing?

  6. FORK = left hand !!

    KNIFE= right hand!!

    SPOON= depends, on your, favorite hand, doesn't matter

    ALL GLASSWARE= right hand!!

    And remember NEVER NEVER, eat pea with your knife!!!!

  7. Moondance got it right. However I'm left-handed, so I do it the opposite way

  8. In general you should use whatever hand is closest to the spoon/fork at your table setting, working from the outside in. If all else fails watch what other people are doing first.

  9. i think both, feels the same, plus depends on the person, i seem to use fork in the left hand and knife in the right.

  10. Knife in the left, fork in the right.  I cut holding the knife in my right hand then I switch back.  I think Americans are the only ones who do this.

  11. I think you're supposed to hold knife in left, fork in right. but in america most switch from holding knife in right to left, fork in left to right. overall it depends where you're at. if you're really unsure, watch everyone else and see what they do!

  12. Definitely hold your fork in your left and your knife in your right. Your fork should 'prong' the meat, in other words be the opposite way up to how it is left sitting on the table when you are using it. Cut with the cutlery in those same hands. Only ever eat with your fork in your right hand if you are eating peas and then you are allowed to have your fork the incorrect way up, like a shovel. Only cut one piece of food at a time and put down both pieces of cutlery when talking or having a drink. Others have answered the question correctly for America, but things are different in different countries, and this is definitely the correct way... Good luck.

  13. fork left hand

    knife right hand

  14. that depends where you are.  in most european countries, you hold your fork in your left hand and your knife in your right hand, never letting go of either.  in america, usually you cut your food by holding your fork in left and knife in right, and then put the knife down and switch your fork to your right hand to eat.

  15. Fork in the left. What planet do you come from?

  16. fork in the left and knife in the right if you are right-handed or vice versa

  17. If you are right handed you hold the knife in your right hand

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