
Which has better chance of survival...?

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being chased by piranhas, or being chased by crocodiles




  1. From what I've been taught and foreseen (at circuses and such), piranhas have been branded as being a vicious devil fish who anything in plain sight into shreds. But that's actually quite the opposite, for humans at least, they'll pretty much swim away if anything bigger than a dog cross ways with it. Dogmas such as this has been perpetuated by movies and only movies, nothing of sorts has ever happened. I mean, when was the last time you heard of a person being teared up in shreds by a school of pirahnas?

    Crocodiles, on the other hand, are a different story. They're depicted as being a ferocious unforgiving meat-eating creatures...and it's true. If I'm not mistaken, they're the #2 cause of death by animals (second to hippos) in Africa and they're also mighty fast - they have been known to travel as fast as 30mph. So if you and you're friends ever cross paths when one, just hope you're not the slowest one there. But in actuality, as long as you don't agitate them or mess with their territory, they shouldn't bother you (unless you look like food to them).

  2. If you are in north America you should worry more about deer, they kill more people every year than any other animal, you will need to hit it while driving, but none the less I think more people will be killed by what they do than what animals do.

  3. piranahs-  because if you are not bleeding they wont bother you... crocodiles on the other hand...

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