
Which has more effect Moon or Sun ?

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I'm little confused here , The Moon is supposed to represent your inner emotions and the Sun is supposed to represent the inner.....You ! and the inner You naturally includes your emotions so what's the difference?? please mention your Sun and Moon Signs and which one has more effect on you.




  1. They both have an equal effect on you, just in different areas. Yes, the sun is your inner drives and essentially the ego, but your moon represents your emotional needs and wants, that which you long for, and express yourself with especially in relationships with others. Depending on the strength and weakness of the Sun/Moon placement, and the houses they fall in and aspects they make to each other, it will determine which influences you feel more strongly, and how those influences will take form. Remember, it is not only the Sun and Moon, but really the whole chart that must be taken into consideration.

    I'm a Libra Sun, with Cancer Moon. I have my Sun and Moon square to each other, and yes, I feel that influence very strongly. The Moon is an important part of who I am, and when I'm close to people, I act very Cancerian indeed.  

  2. It is combination of Sun and Moon and rising sign and aspects..

  3. dont know

  4. The Sun represents your personality as a whole; how you present yourself to others, and how others see you.

    The Moon represents your emotions, and how you handle them.

    Venus represents your personality and emotions in the realm of love and relationships.

    Mars represents your agression factor, how you handle stress, anger, and such.

    Hope this helped.

  5. queen rach.s answer is ok

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