
Which has more respect O-1 or E-9?

by Guest66948  |  earlier

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who has more respect of the fellow soldiers and officers? authority? Who would you obey in a war zone, if the 2LT argued with the MSGT?




  1. in a war MSGT

  2. I knew an 0-4 who got punched out by an e-5 for cowardess, and he was told that his CO would have done the same in his position

  3. E-9 Hands down

    Vet-USAF / Father retired Chief Master SGT

  4. E - 9. He's already been there and done that. The 0 - 1 isn't sure where the head is yet...........

  5. Legally the O-1 is a  higher rank than the E-9 so strictly speaking the O-1s orders should be followed.  From a practical and realistic point of view no O-1 with a brain in his head would go against an E-9 especially in a dangerous situation.  He'd know that the E-9 has years of training and experience that he should be drawing upon, not arguing with.

  6. Well, when I was an O-1E, most soldiers only saw that little old butterbar sitting there on my chest.  Most scoffed because they just saw me as the new LT, but once they looked on my right shoulder, saw the combat patch and looked at my air assault, expert infantry and CAB, they began to trust me.  You have to look at the man, not just the rank.  Rank is important, but just because someone is an E-8, doesn't mean I would trust them, trust the man.  If you were ever in combat, you know who to listen to.

  7. zero one meaning first luitenet, is that what your saying , the first Louie learns very fast in a combat zone who's who. if there smart the louie will fall in with respect for the E-1 E2 who's ever got more time in country is respected but louie can override and maybe get people killed , of course something terrible will happen to him for sure .

  8. well the O-1 out ranks an E-9 but no O-1 out there will go against what an E-9 says.  Technically, the E-9 will salute the O-1, if not, who is the O-1 going to complain to, the battalion commander?  

  9. The E-9 has all the respect in the world because he/she has earned it through being around 20 years.  The O-1 has a little because of the rank being higher( any officer outranks any enlisted) but respect is something no O-1 will have without earning it.  And unless and O-1 is a prior enlisted, they will never have it.  

  10. The master sergeant would have tons more experience. If i were an enlisted soldier i would probably agree more with the MSGT, but i would have to follow the LT's orders.

  11. E9 its my azz going to dye the E9 can take his lumps for going over his head

  12. More respect according to the regulations or in a real life situation? I've seen many an O-1 go down to an E-9.

  13. Technically you would obey orders from the officer. However remember that you should have a great amount of respect for the Master Sergeant because he has had years and years of experience while the officer probably doesn't have as much because of going through the academy.

  14. lets put it this way. who would u trust ur life to more? a person who spent numerous years of his life doing something with hands on experience? or a person who has done nothing but read books and write essays?

  15. By law the officer outranks the Cheif NCO.  however only an idiot zero would give orders counter to the E-9's Ideas.  The senior NCOs are the backbone of the Military.  In war, the butterbars will generally give the objectives and strategic orders and rely upon the most experienced to take care of the tactics.

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