
Which herbs, spices and foods have antibiotic properties?

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Which herbs, spices and foods have antibiotic properties?




  1. some of the best are fresh garlic, grapefruit seed extract and olive leaf extract (tincture)...these will kill not only bacteria but viruses, fungus, and protozoa and it is said they have cured aids and herpes, bird flu, and anthrax and a host of serious illnesses.

    Also good of oil of oregano and colloidal silver,.\

    For a comprehensive list of herbs with antibiotic (and every other kind of medical use) see dr john r christopher's book school of natural healing..he lists tons of them.

    for a list of food with antibiotic properties see Jean carper's book food your miracle medicine,see has lists of foods with various properties like antibiotic..see also lists some herbs and supplements.

  2. turmeric. indian use a tsp of the powder in almost every curry.

  3. tea tree, lemongrass

  4. Garlic is your best choice.  Lots of vit. c.  But remember if you take too much garlic it will come out of your pores.

  5. Antibiotic properties are different than antioxidant properties; but the following foods are some of many

    that have both:



    -Blue green sea algae








    +lots more.

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