
Which highly endangered carnivore's diet is 99% bamboo ?

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Which highly endangered carnivore's diet is 99% bamboo ?




  1. the panda bear =D

  2. Pandas are omnivores, not carnivores

  3. a cute Panda Bear...but its not a carnivore!!!

  4. if its a carnivore, its diet would not be 99% bamboo. it would be an herbivore, or at least an omnivore.

  5. The Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, "black-and-white cat-foot") is a mammal classified in the bear family (Ursidae), native to central-western and southwestern China.

    The panda was previously thought to be a member of the Procyonidae (raccoons and their relatives).It is easily recognized by its large, distinctive black patches around the eyes, over the ears, and across its round body. Though belonging to the order Carnivora, the panda has a diet which is 99% bamboo. Pandas may eat other foods such as honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges and bananas when available.

  6. That wouldn't be a carnivore now would it.  Sounds much more vegetarian.

  7. No canivores eat bamboo... only herbivores eat bamboos...

  8. trick question! there are no carnivores that have diets consisting of 99% plant! possibly an omnivore were it to eat 1% beetles, spiders and grubs. Mmm, i love me some grubs. Fried grubs on stick is good for the soul. My doctor says so. He is a doctor of science. SCIENCE!

  9. koala bear?

  10. Panda Bear, of course

  11. The panda bear

  12. Well, whatever animal it is couldn't possibly be a carnivore.  Carnivores only eat meat and bamboo is obviously not meat.

  13. Order


    Not all members of Carnivora eat meat (pandas eat almost nothing but bamboo), but all have well-developed teeth for shredding foods. In general, these animals have strong limbs and claws and acute senses.

    When is a carnivore not a carnivore?

    The classification of the giant panda in the order Carnivora can be a little confusing. However, this classification is based on the panda's genetic traits and anatomical features, and not on their eating habits. There is a similar non-taxonomic term that we use to describe what various organisms eat: "carnivore". The term carnivore is used to describe an organism that eats animals. The polar bear, which primarily hunts seals, is an example of a carnivorous animal. Most other bears are omnivores, eating both animal and plant matter. On the other hand, giant pandas are herbivores, eating almost exclusively the grasses called bamboo. Considering their diet and taxonomy, you could call giant pandas herbivorous carnivores.

  14. Panda

  15. Panda Bear

  16. Panda pooh

  17. i know you're insinuating the giant panda, but it's obviously not a carnivore if it's diet is mostly plant based.  

    carnivore- eats meat only

    herbivore- eats plant matter only

    omnivore- eats both meat and plants

  18. the Giant Panda

  19. are yoiu thinking of Pandas?

  20. Carnivore's only eat meat so there is no such animal that can be a carnivore but eats bamboo.

  21. It wouldn't be a carnivore.

  22. me!!!!

  23. Panda?

  24. Dont you mean omnivore

  25. pa pa pa panda

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