
Which hispanics do you like the most... colombians. mexicans,cubans etc?

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Which hispanics do you like the most... colombians. mexicans,cubans etc?




  1. Well That seem like a very racial comment... But on the DL, i grew up with more friends that are comlombians, so i'm more comfortable talking about some stuff with them, but i'm always ready to meet any one else....

  2. El Guatemalteco No Enamora: Cantinea

    El Guatemalteco No Festeja: Parrandea

    El Guatemalteco No Conversa: Platica

    El Guatemalteco No Critica: Pela

    El Guatemalteco No Abusa: Se Pasa

    El Guatemalteco No Molesta: Chin*a

    El Guatemalteco No Presume: Chilerea

    El Guatemalteco No Se Rie: Se Caga De La Risa

    El Guatemalteco No Se Averguenza: Se Chivea

    El Guatemalteco No Se Enamora: Se Cuelga

    El Guatemalteco No Se Molesta: Se Encanchimba/ Se Enpu*a

    El Guatemalteco No Se Descubre: Se Quema

    El Guatemalteco No Se Da Un Golpe: Se Da Un Morongazo

    El Guatemalteco No Se Escapa: Se Pela

    El Guatemalteco No Tiene Un Problema: Tiene Un Clavo

    El Guatemalteco No Tiene Novia: Tiene Traida

    El Guatemalteco No Pide Que Lo Lleven: Pide Jalon

    El Guatemalteco No Va De Paseo: Se Da Un Colazo

    El Guatemlateco No Toma Siestas: Se Hecha Un Cuaje

    El Guatemalteco No Te Golpea: Te Verguea

    El Guatemalteco No Es Bonito: Es Chulo

    El Guatemalteco No Es Guapo: Es Un Mango

    El Guatemalteco No Es Haragan: Es H****n

    El Guatemalteco No Es Presumido: Es Caquero

    El Guatemalteco No Es Avaro: Es Codo

    El Guatemalteco No Es Inmaduro: Es Ishto

    El Guatemalteco Entrometido: Es shute

    El Guatemalteco No Es Adinerado: Es Pistudo

    El Guatemalteco No Es Listo: Es Bien Pilas

    El Guatemalteco No Toma: Chupa

    El Guatemalteco No Se Va Corriendo: Pega la carrera




  3. Dale Argentina! Well I am partial because I am Argentinian but...this is a very general question don't you think? Just because you have a few friends who happen to be Mexican or Guatemalan doesn't mean the whole race is better. Kinda silly don't ya think? I mean they may have some common traits, values etc. but you should look at people as individuals not put them into a general category because not everyone is "typical". But it is very interesting to read people's responses!;)

  4. anything but mexicans i am Tired of mexicans and their dumb accent. i prefer cubanas, puerto riquenas, colombianas, peruanas, brasileiras, and salvadorians. The rest of latin america including spain have women with mustaches and thats unbearable.

  5. I respect every culture

    There is no way I can say which one I like better because every culture in the world are unique and each one brings something special.

    I have been lucky enough to have been able to travel around and I enjoy learning the various customs and traditions of the country I am visiting.

    I live in I am used to the diversity.

  6. my personal favorite is the puerto ricans

    but THAT is just me...


  7. I say Colombians, i am Colombian, that is why...besides Colombians, Puerto Ricans, they are great people...i love Puerto rican people...

    I also love my beautiful Colombia..i invite you to see the world greatest country..

    Colombia is passion

  8. I like them all... well, Mexicans.. maybe not so much.

  9. CHILEANS!!!

  10. viva la puerto Rico

    #1 puerto ricansssssssssssssssssss

  11. All hispanics are wonderful..why do we have to choose? That only divides us we should be more united like all the other racial groups.

  12. Well I have to show preference to chileans because my wonderful husband is a Chilean born and raised, plus one two of my best friends are chileans,

    but I do have to say that argentinian women are nice, (all the ones i have spoken with), two of my good friends in the states are from Colombia and they are awesome, i also have mexican friends. Today I met a man from Peru and he was a perfect Gentleman, polite, a non flirtatious way. I know one girl who is half el salvadorian and half guatemalan, and she rocks! I've been to Costa Rica and the people there are the most polite and humble courteous people alive. One of my good friends is cuban but raised in venezuela and is also salt of the earth nice wonderful man! His fiance is venezuelan and she is equally as nice. The spanish people (from spain) have wonderful senses of humor. (I used to date a guy from valencia). I knew a spanish teacher from Nicaragua, ...beautiful intelligent nice girl. I shared a class with a girl from Panama, also incredibly nice and laid back, easy to talk to. I shared a plane ride with a puerto rican man who was very funny and fun to talk to for 8 hours.

    To those I left out, If i dont know you, I would like to!!!! I have no favorites.

    Basically, I love Latino America. :)

  13. Guatemala

  14. ARGENTINIAN!!! =)

  15. I  dont think its where the person is from..but whats inside that make u like them. Im Colombian lol..but I lyk every1 the same

  16. Mexicans!!!!

  17. No Pref as long as they for here legally!

  18. Guatemalans!!!   The most friendly, fun, smart and easy-going people in Latin America!

  19. I don´t have a preference, I get along with whomever gets along with me.

    Take care...


  20. MEXICANS!! Viva Mexico cabrones

  21. I like people from all cultures, it just depends on the person. I do have a special place in my heart for Colombia though.

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