
Which hockey player are you most like?

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sometimes I feel like Marty McSorley (sorry if I spelled his name improperly)




  1. Wonder is either like Bucky Dent, Al Green, or Al Roker.

    * CRIES *

  2. Uhh, I guess I'm most like... the forward.

  3. when i play defense - marc staal, young, promising, surprisingly good

    at forward - probably jordan staal, good defensively, the puck finds my stick, able to score, good passer, hard worker

    in goal, rick dipietro, not very good at all

    i did take a facebook quiz that said i was henrik zetterberg though, so i guess i could be him

  4. D-Mac- on the wagon

  5. A combination of Steve Yzerman and the Hanson Brothers.

  6. Steve Begin or Jordan Staal. I have good hands but I am a more defensive style player and I work the other team on the forecheck.

  7. Jason Voorhees.

  8. I'd say Colby Armstrong. Sometimes I try to hard to be funny just because I love to make people laugh. I'll usually crack a joke no matter where we are. I'll make fun of anyone I see no matter where we are. I'm full of energy.

  9. Nicklas Lidstrom - Kind, respectful, not one to curse and yell at others.

    Yet, sometimes...

    Dominik Hasek - Lose my temper when I get really mad.

  10. Bernie Parent, if he became a tranny.

  11. Sean Avery; i'm not touching you

  12. Evgeni "Geno" Malkin

    We Both Love To Smile all The Time


  13. Pavel Datsyuk-quiet, polite, skilled, pure-evil inside.


  14. Jeremy Roenick.A fun type of guy.

  15. Peter Douris, all hands, no wheels. hehe

  16. Darren Mac (McCarty) of old. I am not like the cleaned up and reborn Darren... just the old Darren.

  17. Daniel Alfredsson: The follow me leader

  18. Bryan Mccabe

    Lazy,screws up alot,gets bitched at alot. :P

  19. Roman Cechmanek - like him, I intentionally make saves with my head sometimes. Using your head to make sets works well in the local rec commission summer C league volleyball too. Like Cechmanek, I mean well and I'm likeable but I come off as a bit of a dork. Also like Cechmanek, I'm a really lousy goalie!

  20. I'm most like Al Roker

  21. Patrick Marleau.

    Quiet, not as vocal as i should be.  Not much of the bragging type, just like when Marleau scores a goal.  A good ole fist pump is good enough!

  22. Ruutu, I like to fight.

  23. Mats Sundin - I'm too loyal and too respecting of others.

  24. When I was younger, I was a Ryan Malone.

    Now I'm Gary Roberts.

  25. The one with teeth...

  26. Crosby cuz i get more assists

  27. Dallas Drake-

    Gritty and i play with a ton of heart.

  28. Chris Draper - have always idenified with him.  He does his job and has been essential to four cups (I don't think they win all four wihtout him), but most of the time he's behind the scenes, not getting a lot of press, just doing what he does.

    I don't know if I am most like him, but I guess I'd prefer to be.

  29. ...aaahhhhh ... what is hockey????

    Is that a Canadian thing?

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