
Which hockey players are leg-men so I can wear my short dresses when they play in my city?

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Which hockey players are leg-men so I can wear my short dresses when they play in my city?




  1. All of them, just make sure it's not to short that your balls hang out.

  2. hey tt hows it going long time no see....

    i hear chara is a leg man, but only like ladies with legs as long as his.

  3. As opposed to wearing nothing when they play in your city?

  4. Wha---- youre actually wearing clothes to the games now TT???

    I'm with my Argentinan mate up there-- Chara-- and seeing as how you would be on your back, its the only way he's gonna see your legs given the height of his eye sockets anyway hun..

    The real leg-man-- David LEGwand, of course..

    Heard Don Cherry is a real softie for "cottage cheese" in stockings-- but it takes all types to make a world..

  5. Ew.  Is your goal to sleep with them?  You know they're full of diseases, right?  They're worse than sailors.  They travel all around the country sleeping with girls in every city.  And more than half are most likely married.  

  6. Gary Bettman, go get him Sasquatch!

  7. Crosby, Ovechkin  

  8. Oh c**p. Now your ignorant a$s is here. I tell you guys what. I am officially done with Yahoo Answers hockey section until puck drop this season. Between all of the moronically placed comments that have nothing to do with hockey, and this idiot poster, I have had all I can take. ( I was a TC until my account got whacked so I am not a noob.) You guys can wade through all the c**p. See ya in a couple of months.

  9. Who did we identify the last time you asked this? Seriously, a puck ton the head can be serious. Go get that nonsense checked out. And yes, we'll give you a free hot dog.

  10. One word, w***e. Get out of our section, you are poisoning this section and the great sport of hockey.

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