
Which hockey star are you like?

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Hey, i am a huge hockey fan and i decided to make a quiz that would determin which hockey player you are most like. I would like some feedback on it and some advice. I dont know if it is good or not so please just take it and let me know. The link is......

you can copy and paste it into the adress bar




  1. Hi

    Some how I managed to get Sid the Kid.  Honestly your quiz sucked. Most of my answers where not anywhere near being what would be needed to be Mr Hawty. Which means its actually one or two weighted questions the rest is all fillers.

    Thank You

  2. LMAO...I got Miroslav Satan

    Often underrated, you are normally put as a back up. Like Satan, you are the quiet guy who is down to earth and friendly. In pressure situations you become tense and focused. You know how to get things done when it needs to be done, whether it is in the game or in real life.

  3. It says I am a Vincent Lecavalier kind of guy. Makes sense since I have lived in Quebec (in fact one of the guys who was at the same tryout as me in college had played with Vinny in Rimouski)

    "Like Vinny, you are one crazy dude. Although you are serious at what you do, you love to have a good time. Getting dates and partying is what you live for. You probably are known as the popular guy around town."

  4. Took the test and I'm Thomas Vokounl... not terribly thrilled about playing for the Preds though... maybe I can get traded...

  5. Says I'm like Ovechkin. Cool, I guess. Nice quiz.


  7. wow, that's a fun quiz!

    i'm like alexander ovechkin

  8. I am like Sidney Crosby,and that is cool. People say I am like him, and I look up to him. I am even number 87 , for him. LOL

  9. Mike Richards.... interesting.

  10. Awesome quiz

    I'm Thomas Vokoun

  11. i got danny briere, small fast guy who gets the job done.

  12. Your Result: Alexander Ovechkin

    Like King Alexander, you are a force of nature. With size and strength, you normally get things you want. Sometimes you are referred to as braggy or s****.. But overall, you are normally good at everything you do and are generalized as a "nice fellow"

  13. Your Result: Mike Richards

    You are known as the ultimate competitor. you always give 100% and normally succeed. Soemtimes your anger flares out but you know how to cool it down. To those who know you you are quite a serious guy.

    This quiz has been taken 235 times.

    This result has been seen 51 times.

    This result has been shown 22% of the time.

  14. Mike Richards- But quit whining about Crosby whining. His job as a captain is to present his case to the refs. You don't know what's said, he's a great player and frankly I'm sick of hearing Crosby bashers rant about things they know nothing about.

  15. what a load of bs. fun, but bs.

    it says im mike richards. im not dissapointed with that or anything, but ti has shown mike richards as the answer 113 times out of 507, 22%. wtf?

  16. That's a nifty quiz, it says I am most like Tomas Vokoun.

  17. Bryan Mccabce because I suck at hockey.

  18. Thomas Vokoun

    Often an underdog, you are always willing to give everything you got. You are known as an excellent leader who will stick up for your friends and team mates. You normally dont worry about fame or popularity, you just get the job done.

    Yeah, I'd say that's pretty accurate haha..

  19. Alex Ovechkin

  20. Danny Briere

    Like Danny, you have been a huge underdog all your life. People often judge you because of your small size but prove them wrong when it comes to the game. You are very speedy and coordinated. Often the nice guy, you are very fan friendly.

    This quiz has been taken 206 times.

    This result has been seen 10 times.

    This result has been shown 5% of the time.

  21. i got Ovechkin surprisingly.  this is a cool site

    Kurfadle- i tried the same thing, and just answered the first question and got Crosby

  22. i got vokoun and then purposefully tried to get crosby

    funny how it was so obviuos which ones were especially dedicated to crosby, like whining to the refs and the others

  23. I'm Vincent Lecalvier!

  24. I can do  you one better Howler. It says I am Miroslav Satan  type player. . Nice Quiz. It was fun.

    Here is what it said. Often underrated you are normally put as a back up. Like Satan you are the quiet guy who is down to Earth and Friendly. In Pressure situations you become tense and focused. you know how to get things done when it needs to be done whether it is in the game or real life.

  25. Thomas Vokoun :)

  26. LOL as much as I hate this particular hockey player, I was still Alexander Ovechkin

  27. wow its said this-- Your Result: Thomas Vokoun

    Often an underdog, you are always willing to give everything you got. You are known as an excellent leader who will stick up for your friends and team mates. You normally dont worry about fame or popularity, you just get the job done.

    This quiz has been taken 100 times.

    This result has been seen 19 times.

    This result has been shown 19% of the time.

    Im Thomas Vokoun..  My pos. is goalie/def and im not really a star, just a guy who gets the job done. I do love to hit hard...

  28. LOL

    It says that I'm a Mike Richards kind of guy!!

    This site is cool!!

  29. Thats a fun quiz!

    Your Result: Alexander Ovechkin  

    Like King Alexander, you are a force of nature. With size and strength, you normally get things you want. Sometimes you are referred to as braggy or s****.. But overall, you are normally good at everything you do and are generalized as a "nice fellow"

    This quiz has been taken 325 times.

    This result has been seen 65 times.

    This result has been shown 20% of the time.

  30. I am a sabres fan all the way it hurt when drury was traded along with briere but i would have to say drury was and now it is between vanek, roy, and afinaganov

  31. I am Miroslav Satan!

    Often underrated, you are normally put as a back up. Like Satan, you are the quiet guy who is down to earth and friendly. In pressure situations you become tense and focused. You know how to get things done when it needs to be done, whether it is in the game or in real life.

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