
Which holiday resort in Spain or the Med in general has the most drunks?

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Which holiday resort in Spain or the Med in general has the most drunks?




  1. you don't say what the reason is for you wanting to know. joining them or avoiding them. if you want to avoid them just avoid the peak months july and august. then you'll just get a few drunken wrinklies.for the rest of the year.

  2. I have worked overseas for a number of UK based tour operators for ten years and have been fortunate enough to visit, and get drunk in, a large number of resorts.

    I think there are four main contenders when answering this question are :

    * Magalluf - Youth resort in the south of Mallorca and is often nicknamed "Shagalluf". This resort has a big drinking culture attached to it and is known mainly as a "youth" or "18 to 30" style resort. Loads of bars and a few good nightclubs of which the best is BCM's.

    * Ibiza - Famous worldwide for it's club culture though there are just as many drug takers here as there are drinkers. The nightclubs are also very expensive to get in to.

    * Cavos - Greek "youth" resort on the island of Corfu. This place is full of bars selling cheap drink and is littered with drunks.

    * Falaraki - Another Greek "youth" resort which is again full of monster drinkers.

    Which has the most drunks, it's hard to say but I reckon during peak season "July - August" it's a toss up between Cavos and Falaraki with Magalluf coming a close third.

  3. There are drunks everywhere !

  4. Wherever British & German tourists go; they drink so much!!

  5. Lloret del Mar, Spanish avoid it like the plague unless they are out to hit on drunk tourists.

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